
On 24.12.2017 10:43, Hans wrote:
> Doing so (after not updating for a week or so) will appear this behaviour.

i think this finally explains why you're seeing a message which isn't
showing up for others.

It's highly recommended to run the feed updates daily. The longer the
time between the last feed update is the more data needs to be
processed. If you're checking the greenbone-scapdata-sync around line
1220 there is some code located in there which is splitting too large
feed .xml files into smaller parts and the "part 0 Done" is probably
just a logging of this.



Christian Fischer | PGP Key: 0x54F3CE5B76C597AD
Greenbone Networks GmbH | http://greenbone.net
Neumarkt 12, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany | AG Osnabrück, HR B 202460
Geschäftsführer: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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