On Sat, 11 Sep 2004, Waldemar Brodkorb wrote:

> Hi,
> yesterday we found a new tun/tap kernel extension for Mac OS X
> here:
> http://www-user.rhrk.uni-kl.de/~nissler/tuntap/
> After some short testing and a small patch to OpenVPN
> the Mac OS X client seems to work correctly via the
> TAP device.
> It would be nice if this patch and eventually 
> the driver could be integrated into openvpn like the
> win32 driver. 
> If someone is interested we also would provide a binary
> package, which installs the tap/tun driver and OpenVPN on
> Mac OS X.

That would be great if you wanted to do it.  OpenVPN on OS X really needs 
a maintainer.

> Mattias Nissler: Thanks for providing this driver, there
> was a very short timeslice, where I was thinkning to do a tap
> kernel extension on my own ... but luckily Daniel Lehmann has some
> greater ability to use google correctly ;)

That's cool -- I didn't even know someone had written a new driver.


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