Hi all,

Here's a summary of the development model meeting we had yesterday. Let
me know if you have any comments.

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock


Place: #openvpn-discussion on irc.freenode.net
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Tuesday, 12th January 2010
Time: 19:00 UTC

Full log available here:



Discussed the possibility of having several per-feature tree (Linux kernel 
style). Alternatively have separate "unstable" (or "experimental") trees. No 
decisions here one way or another. Also discussed the relative merits of 
Subversion and Git in painstaking detail.

Agreed that involving the community more in OpenVPN development makes sense for 

Agreed that more transparency, openness and communication is necessary. For 
example have a public roadmap, bug tracker, feature plans etc. Also there needs 
to ways for the community to provide input to the project. Discussed the 
possibility of having community members handle some of the tracker maintenance.

Agreed that keeping the code quality high is extremely important. Agreed that 
automated regression testing (unit testing, test frameworks) would help in 
achieving this goal. Discussed the possibility to do some of the automated 
testing in co-operation with Linux distributors. Also agreed that having more 
community involvement in patch review/preview process would help, e.g. by 
enabling us to spot and communicate problems more easily.

Agreed that releases need to made more often. Identified one major problem 
causing slow release cycles: the long latency between introduction of a bug and 
the first bug report. Agreed that getting new code to the users as soon as 
possible helps reduce this latency. Discussed possible means to do this, such 
as frequent releases, per-feature/unstable/experimental source trees and daily 
snapshots. Discussed automated packaging and existing/custom software 
repositories (e.g. Debian, Fedora) as one way to have most up-to-date code 
always installed on as many computers as possible.

Agreed that having milestones for changing the development model is important. 
Decided to document the basic processes and create a rough outline of current 
plans a.s.a.p. (1-7 days). Most other tasks are dependent on the setup of the 
community site. A somewhat realistic estimate for finishing them is 1-2 months.

Decided to take a look at how other security-related projects handle 
developers, contributors and patches.

Decided that we need to agree upon how to handle the basic processes. These 
processes need to be documented properly and most importantly followed. A high 
priority was given for the "Contributing to OpenVPN" and "Reporting bugs" 

Decided that development issues should be discussed primarily in the 
openvpn-devel mailinglist. IRC can be used, but not as the main communication 
channel due to timezone differences.

Decided to have a weekly development meeting in the IRC. Weekday or time was 
not chosen yet.

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