Hi all,

I discussed the main development process of OpenVPN with James and a few
community developers in the IRC. This is what I ended up with:


Let me know what you think - especially if there are problems that need
to be fixed. The diagram itself should be pretty self-explanatory. I'll
summarize the main points here:

- James maintains the "stable" OpenVPN tree and take care of stable releases
- All code goes to "stable" through a "testing" tree
- Merges from testing to stable are discussed on Thursday's meetings
(19:00 UTC, #openvpn-discussion at irc.freenode.net)
- James merges stable patches from "testing" to "stable" on Thu-Fri
- If necessary, invasive new features are tested in separate
feature-testing trees which are kept in sync with testing

Use of automated package building and software repositories should help
reduce the latency between introduction and detection of a bug. I'll
start working on this soon.

Now all we need are people willing and capable of maintaining the
"testing" tree. Any volunteers or suggestions :)?

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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