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On 04/02/10 15:29, Gert Doering wrote:
>>   - Patches on the mailing list should preferably be start with [PATCH]
>>     in the subject field.  (This will not cause a direct rejection, but
>>     I might miss a contributed patch when parsing the mailing list)
>>   - Patches sent to me directly *will* be rejected.  All patches must be
>>     public and will be discussed in public.
>>   - If a lot of merge conflicts turns up when applying the patch, I will
>>     most likely reject the patch and ask for a new patch which applies
>>     cleanly.
> Overall, I think these rules make lots of sense.
> I'd add another rule
>     - All new code must be written following the OpenVPN coding conventions
>       (code indenting, scratch memory handling with "gc", etc.)
> Long-term maintenance of code written with different indent styles and
> different ideas about memory management in different places is a 
> nightmare.

Very good point!  I agree to this one.  But this also hits another need,
a public developer documentation which describes this.  Anyway, the
documentation need should be discussed in the meeting today as well.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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