On 01.03.2010 22:59, David Sommerseth wrote:

Could you please have a look at git://git.birkenwald.de/openvpn.git
test-rebase branch? The history of gert-ipv6 was starting to look a bit
weird (duplicate commits with the same content), to I rebased it on your
bugfix2.1 branch (and dropped the duplicate commits in the process). No
difference in the content whatsoever and the history looks much better,
but I'm not exactly sure whether this is the right thing to do.

I tried to both merge and rebase both your gert-ipv6 branch and the
test-rebase branch from the allmerged branch.  That was quite an
interesting experience.

The test-rebase branch gave most problems.  Both rebase and merge got
painful.  While with the gert-ipv6 gave only (expected, though) issues
with rebase.  Merging in gert-ipv6 was more or less painless.

Yeah ... I'm still having a hard time to wrap my head around the gory git details, but I think rebasing was a bad idea to begin with. Especially in the other direction (you rebasing on gerts tree) :-)

As far as I understand it rebasing works by rolling back your local tree to the point you branched from the upstream tree (recording all changes in the progress), fast-forwarding to the HEAD of the upstream (at this point local = upstream) and then reapplying all your local changes. This fits perfectly in a model where you maintain a feature branch upstream has not yet seen. By doing that you guarantee that your feature branch is always a set of patches on top of the current upstream HEAD (guaranteed to merge without conflicts when pulled into upstream), thus making any conflicts that evolve during continued upstream development entirely the feature branch's problem to solve.

When I rebased gert-ipv6 on bugfix2.1 I essentially dropped the old changesets and recreated new ones (with different ids). So when you try to merge that rebased tree your git sees new commits and tries to merge them on the tree already containing the changes. Which is something git can only detect (already applied and so on) if that part of the code has not been touched with subsequent changesets.

As far as I can see it, the only point where rebasing would be useful is to rebase allmerged on bugfix2.1 and bugfix2.1 on master. But I don't know how much this will break. :-)


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