Hash: SHA1

On 10/03/10 19:04, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> On 03/10/2010 11:54:52 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 10/03/10 18:39, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
>>> On 03/10/2010 11:19:13 AM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>>>> I will try to explain again.
>>>> You have two roles of environments:
>>>> 1. Developer/packager workstation.
>>>> 2. Target environment.
>>>> For example, 1 would be my computer, and 2 would be the old redhat
>>>> computer.
>>>> You go to (1) and do:
>>>> $ autoreconf -ivf
>>>> $ ./configure && make dist
>>>> Now, you transfer the tarball to users, the old redhat computer is 
>>>> one
>>>> of them. The tarball will work WITHOUT ANY
>>>> installed.
>>>> I use older environments as (2) such as solaris-8.
>>> And you don't generally want to be running ./configure from within
>>> a rpm specfile, so the same is true of using the rpm tools:
>> This is not correct.  In fact, you often use the %configure macro in
>> %build, which does call ./configure.  The only "allowed" exception
>> from
>> not calling %configure is when ./configure is not a native autotools
>> generated configure script.
> Ok.  I'm totally wrong here.
> But how is it then that Alon does not run ./configure
> on machine 2 above?

The fact is that I believe he does run ./configure on all machines.
Autotools just generates a set up files which is not depending on
anything else than basic *nix tools, like shell, grep, sed, etc, etc.

But to be able to make the tarball via 'make dist', you need to run
./configure first to have a Makefile which knows what the 'dist' rule
is.  Then the 'dist' rule wraps it all together into a autotools
independent tarball, including a prepared ./configure script.

>>> On machine 2 you download the tarball, the specfile, (and
>>> any patches the rpm maintainer wants to include in the
>>> packaged version) and run the rpm build tools on the
>>> spec file to build a binary rpm.  
>>> Note that http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-inside-scripts.html
>>> says: 
>>> "Once the %prep script has gotten everything ready for the build,
>> the %
>>> build script is usually somewhat anti-climactic — normally invoking 
>>> make, maybe a configuration script, and little else. 
>> It's %build which need to do the %configure.  All patching must 
>> happen
>> on %prep.  But you are right, if there are applied patches which
>> updates
>> some of the autotools generated files, I believe autotools need to be
>> run again.  Right, Alon?
> Nothing should patch the autotools generated files, just the autotools
> source files.  Right?

Correct, that was my mistake.  I initially meant autotools source files.
 But I believe autotools can detect if some of the generated files have
been modified and it will then want to run 'autoreconf' automatically
again.  I believe I've seen this behaviour some times.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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