On 22/08/13 13:51, Gert Doering wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 12:34:45PM +0200, David Sommerseth wrote:
>> * openvpn-build issues + snappy topic.
>>    "The problem is that snappy pulls in a 8MB library as a dependency,
>>     increasing installer size considerably "
>> Is this really a problem?  It's not a small library, but it could still
>> be worse.
> The 8MB library is libstdc++, which can be statically linked if we figure
> out how (this is on *windows*).  Libsnappy is tiny.

Ahh, that explains things better.  I understood it was libsnappy itself
which was that massive.  Then it makes sense to figure out how to
resolve that part.

> And yes, this is a relevant difference if the overall installer without
> libstdc++ is just 1.7 Mb sized today
>    1723560 Jan 18 2013  openvpn-install-2.3.0-I001-x86_64.exe
> (And no, making the installer even bigger by shipping two binaries
> *and* the huge library is not a good plan :-))

Fair enough :)

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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