On 19/10/16 15:04, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
> Hi,
> While preparing OpenVPN 2.4-alpha1 release the discussion about 
> user-specific OpenVPN configuration files came up again. To give some 
> background, OpenVPN-GUI can now delegate privileged operations (e.g. 
> route adding) to the OpenVPN Interactive Service. This means that normal 
> users are now able to launch OpenVPN connections without having admin 
> privileges. On top of that, users can now store OpenVPN configuration 
> files in their home directory, under %USERPROFILE%\OpenVPN\config[*]. 
> The rationale for this directory choice was discussed here:
> <https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui/pull/18#issuecomment-190138431>
> Three directory alternatives have been proposed:
> %USERPROFILE%\OpenVPN\config (current approach)
> %APPDATA%\OpenVPN\config
> %USERPROFILE%\.openvpn\config

"When in Rome do as the Romans" ....

which means the .openvpn approach is just plain silly in Windows.
Hidden files and directories start on *nix with a dot/punctuation in the
file/dir name; Windows does not do that as it uses separate attributes
tackling this.

%APPDATA% is what I belive the majority of Windows applications uses today.

The %USERPROFILE% approach I'm a bit more reluctant to.

But this is just my personal opinions, coming from a person who haven't
really used Windows in 15 years++.  But I do think consistency with what
others do is of a bigger value.  Windows users who tinkle with slightly
more advanced stuff knows where to find %APPDATA%.  Windows users who
don't know that should most likely not even enter the OpenVPN config
directory at all.

That's my 2cents to the shed painting funding ...

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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