On 02/11/2017 11:50, Simon Rozman wrote:
> Hi,
> Late but still, I would like to participate in the Hackatlon 2017.
> Can I still apply for a place, please?
> Best regards,
> Simon

Hi Simon,

We don't have a clearly defined policy on who can join hackathons. The
best policy I can think of is "Past or present core developer or
contributor". Four of your patches have already been merged and 13 more
are in review. So you're definitely going to fit the above definition
pretty soon if you don't already :).

Personally I think it would be nice if you would join - it would give us
a good chance to bootstrap the MSI installer work. Plus we can always
use more Windows guys onboard :).

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

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