Il 14/12/2017 11:12, Borodin Oleg ha scritto:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:41:37 +0200
> Samuli Seppänen <> wrote:
>> Il 12/12/2017 13:46, Borodin Oleg ha scritto:
>>> Hi!
>>> I wrote a small web interface for managing openvpn services and obtaining 
>>> detail network information. 
>>> I wrote it to replace a legacy corporate vpn-crutch. 
>>> It is already quite working, we manage more 400 tunnels/1200 workplaces.
>>> I have a question: how interesting this product is for continue developing? 
>>> As opensource, of course.
>>> [Sorry, I sent this also to openvpn-users@]  
>> Hi,
>> What is the use-case for vpnsw? Is this meant for managing client
>> connections on an OpenVPN server?
> Hi, Samuli!
> We use it to disable/enable and monitor user/workstation/branch office groups.
> One VPN service on VPN concentrator related to 5-30 VPN "users", total to one
> VPNc ~ 100-300, total to company workstation uses VPN direct or indirect ~
> 1400. Disconnection use for routine maintenance (synchronization/exchange of
> application/corporate databases "into night" =) or urgently needed, and yet
> etc).
> I can of course write a control of each user but so far there was no such
> purpose. I also can write to show tail of any service log in runtime. 
> That's why I'm asking if there is an interest in development.

I'm sure there are others that could make use of vpnsw. I see that it is
already on GitHub:


If you add a description (like what you have on your site) then people
might find it when doing searches. I also noticed that there are no
commit messages - is that intentional?

I can also mention vpnsw this Trac page:


That should give vpnsw some additional visibility.

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

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