
Il 24/06/19 14:33, Samuli Seppänen ha scritto:
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for the info again!
> Il 21/06/19 18:59, Simon Rozman ha scritto:
>> (21:04:58) mattock: assuming Microsoft's systems are happy with the test 
>> submission package, that is
>> (21:05:12) mattock: they _should_ be, but we have not tested submitting 
>> anything yes
>> 1. Do the SDV and DVL to get tap901.DVL.xml.
> I'm working on this right now. Based on brief practical testing EWDK may
> not be able to do this, even though it is apparently possible to produce
> SDV logs from the command-line:>
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/develop/creating-a-log-file-for-static-driver-verifier
> It _seems_ that EWDK might not have all the necessary pieces for
> producing SDV log files. MS does briefly mention that EWDK is not
> suitable for doing driver testing, whatever that means. So, to play it

Actually it is probably possible to use the EWDK for running Static
Driver Verifier:


> safe, I'm installing Visual Studio 2019 plus the "normal" Windows Driver
> Kit on my tapbuilder VM.

So, I took a stab at producing the Static Driver Verifier logs in Visual
Studio 2019 ("Extensions" -> "Static Driver Verifier"), but it just
complains about

"Please select a driver project for sdv to verify"

I wonder if I just hit a usability problem, or if something is actually
missing from tap-windows6?

Attempting to run SDV from the command-line (adapted from first link
above) fails as well. The /clean part works fine, but running SDV fails:

PS> msbuild.exe src\tap-windows6.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Release"
/p:Platform=x64 /target:sdv /p:inputs="/clean"

--- snip ---

PS> msbuild.exe src\tap-windows6.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Release"
/p:Platform=x64 /target:sdv /p:inputs="/check:default.sdv"

  [INFO] Validating XML against schema: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
  [INFO] Running local scheduler with 2 threads
  [FATAL ERROR] Unrecoverable error in NormalBuild stage.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\build\windowsdriver.Sdv.targets(136,9): error MSB3073: The
command "staticdv /ch
eck:default.sdv" exited with code -1.
Done Building Project
"C:\Users\samuli\opt\tap-windows6\src\tap-windows6.vcxproj" (sdv
target(s)) -- FAILED.


"C:\Users\samuli\opt\tap-windows6\src\tap-windows6.vcxproj" (sdv target)
(1) ->
(sdv target) ->
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\build\windowsdriver.Sdv.targets(136,9): error MSB3073: The
command "staticdv /
check:default.sdv" exited with code -1.

    0 Warning(s)
    1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.65


Am I missing something [that is obvious to a Windows developer]?


[*] Adapting the instructions of the first link, above

>> 2. Compile the driver and EV sign it. Save PDBs too.
> I assume this is not really necessary if I'm using WDKTest certificates
> and have enabled test-signing?
>> 3. Deploy the driver on test computers (including tap901.DVL.xml, remember?).
>> 4. Do the WHLK.
>> 5. When creating submission package, add the driver binaries and PDBs (on 
>> HLK Studio submission page).
>> 6. Submit the driver to Microsoft WHQL.
>> 7. Miscrosoft should return you a WHQL signed driver in about 10 minutes.
>> (21:07:09) mattock: worst case scenario is that I have to reinstall the HLK 
>> client as Windows Server 2019 core _if_ Microsoft is not happy with the 
>> "Operate in Server Core" having been run on a virtual machine, or on some 
>> old i5 laptop which does not have the required 4 physical processor cores
>> Microsoft is fine with that test being run on a virtual Windows Server 2019 
>> Core in Wintun case. And this test is pretty straight forward - just checks 
>> that driver loads and adapter responds, it doesn't need to be connected and 
>> have traffic. Use devcon to make a single TAP adapter on the Server Core. No 
>> need to have a running OpenVPN connection for this test to pass.
> This is good news. I can just use a Virtualbox VM then. This test used
> to pass even on EC2 Windows instances.
>> (21:14:42) mattock: I also finally ate our own dogfood and installer OpenVPN 
>> on the virtual host running the HLK controller so that I can access the HLK 
>> controller and clients remotely, which speeds the testing up quite a bit
>> Not a good idea, as WHLK tests can and will interfere with all TAP-Windows6 
>> adapters on test computers. Not just the one that is being tested. Expect 
>> OpenVPN connections to flicker or die. Just use it to access controller 
>> server only. I never experienced any issues requiring intervention on test 
>> computers.
> The OpenVPN client I'm talking about is installed on a Linux laptop that
> works as a Virtualbox host. The HLK controller is a VM on that host.
> None of the HLK computers know about its existence.
> The HLK test client and support machine do have OpenVPN setup, but that
> is a completely separate p2p bridged setup used to allow the two-machine
> NDIS tests pass. And it works well for that purpose.

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