
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Thursday 5th December 2019
Time: 20:00 CET (19:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, mattock and Pippin participated in this meeting.


Lev now has access to the Windows 10 ARM64 laptop. Mattock will have to
do one more check to ensure that the VPN connection will remain alive at
all times.


Noted that HTTP to forums is broken. This may have something to do with
the forum upgrade by ecrist:



Reviewed and updated OpenVPN 2.5 status:


No updates on the OpenVPN 2.5 MSI installer (since the hackathon). As
that starts to be the last remaining "must have" for the release we need
to start poking rozmansi now.


Discussed tomorrow's mini-hackathon. Cron2 will be able to join in the
afternoon. Mattock will take a stab at configuring the IRC bouncer


Full chatlog attached
(21:00:50) mattock: hi
(21:02:51) dazo: Hey!
(21:04:58) mattock: anyone else?
(21:07:19) dazo: hmm
(21:08:01) cron2: ho
(21:09:31) mattock: hi!
(21:09:49) cron2: who broke http to forums.openvpn.net?
(21:09:54) mattock: 
(21:09:56) vpnHelper: Title: [Openvpn-devel] Summary of the community meeting 
(27th November 2019) (at www.mail-archive.com)
(21:09:59) mattock: lollis
(21:10:02) mattock: sorry, wrong link
(21:10:08) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2019-12-05
(21:10:53) mattock: cron2: I did not know it even worked
(21:11:05) cron2: I have monitoring on it, so it worked until a few days ago
(21:11:30) cron2: if it has a v6 address, all services need to work.  Otherwise 
user experience sucks if a poor user happens to have a v6-enabled client
(21:12:27) mattock: I have not touched forums in a long while
(21:12:50) cron2: I think ecrist did updates a few days ago, including a 
freebsd update... this might have caused firewall changes
(21:12:59) mattock: yeah, sounds likely
(21:13:21) Pippin_: Hi, see: 
(21:13:33) vpnHelper: Title: Server Upgrades December 3, 2019 - OpenVPN Support 
Forum (at forums.openvpn.net)
(21:13:48) cron2: takes me a while to get there... v6 is not working :)
(21:15:03) cron2: anyway, posted there, let's see :)
(21:16:28) mattock: so, what else shall we discuss today?
(21:16:46) mattock: arm64 "seems stable" and lev has access
(21:17:03) mattock: need to check one more thing to make sure it stays connected
(21:17:18) mattock: IRC bouncer is probably the next on my list
(21:17:40) mattock: I fixed an email delivery issue to gmail from trac, related 
to urlwatch
(21:17:54) mattock: internal PR is pending
(21:21:37) cron2: nice
(21:21:46) mattock: anything anyone else wants to bring up?
(21:21:50) mattock: tomorrow's mini-hackaton?
(21:22:02) cron2: I have no particulars, except "moar ACKs and speedier 
discussions needed"
(21:22:17) cron2: my TODO list has argv and ipv6-only
(21:22:31) dazo: Should we have a quick look at the status page?  
(21:22:32) vpnHelper: Title: StatusOfOpenvpn25 – OpenVPN Community (at 
(21:22:37) mattock: yes we probably should
(21:22:40) cron2: but I've been down with flu (or a bad cold) the last week so 
I didn't get much done :(
(21:23:17) dazo: I know ordex has been discussing ipv6only testing with krzee 
internally ... krzee will help out testing and provide test env
(21:23:42) cron2: nie
(21:23:44) cron2: c
(21:25:51) dazo: The "​auth-gen-token: Inform client why auth-token was 
rejected" is replaced with plaisthos patches which should already be merged 
(the auth-gen-token patches we fiddled with for some time)
(21:26:18) dazo: struct argv overhaul is still in review .... can move the 
responsibility for that one over to me
(21:26:42) dazo: (well, plaisthos volunteered to review it, but I'm following 
up the development of these patches now)
(21:27:30) cron2: dazo: well, since you did the last round of fixes, someone 
else can now do the review&ack&merge
(21:27:37) dazo: yeah
(21:27:41) cron2: has been sitting around too long, starts annoying me :)
(21:28:04) cron2: dazo: was the 2fa patchset fully ACKed?
(21:28:33) dazo: Need to double check the status of that 
(21:28:38) cron2: patchwork says "no ACK received on v2 of the patch set"
(21:29:14) cron2: on v1, only one ACK on 3/5 ("implement support for signalling 
(21:30:43) dazo: I dunno if there's been an updated set of patches sent to the 
ML ... I proposed to plaisthos to push out his stuff for review in a git 
branch, and we'll take it quickly that way ... so the ML patches will just be a 
(21:31:29) cron2: well, what we have on the ML was sent Nov 09, and has no 
ACKs... so if the patch set is all good now, please re-send and ACK, so I know 
(21:31:41) cron2: 
(21:31:43) vpnHelper: Title: OpenVPN 2 - Patchwork (at patchwork.openvpn.net)
(21:34:00) dazo: ahh, so the subject line I was watching changed ... that's why 
it missed it
(21:34:12) dazo: subject line for the patch set
(21:34:23) cron2: yeah, it lost its "0 introduction" mail
(21:34:30) dazo: yeah
(21:34:44) dazo: alright, I'll spend some time looking at those tomorrow
(21:34:47) cron2: cool
(21:35:16) cron2: I will have to go to a customer tomorrow morning (a job I 
started in March now needs finishing for real...)
(21:35:21) cron2: but I'll be around afternoon
(21:35:33) dazo: sounds good
(21:36:48) mattock: anything else?
(21:37:40) cron2: days are too short, and flu sucks
(21:37:57) dazo: got 2 kids with cold and fever here :/
(21:38:03) cron2: ewww
(21:38:08) ***cron2 sends over warm milk with honey
(21:38:17) dazo: thx! :)
(21:38:27) dazo: who will update the status page, btw?
(21:38:47) ***cron2 looks
(21:38:49) mattock: not me - I will focus on writing my elaborate meeting 
summaries :D
(21:39:15) dazo: community manager chilling out :-P
(21:39:23) dazo: I can give it a stab
(21:39:27) cron2: so, how's the MSI installers coming along? :)
(21:39:40) mattock: cron2: asking me?
(21:39:58) ***cron2 looks for anyone else to ask who works on installers :))
(21:40:12) mattock: I don't see rozmansi here :)
(21:40:19) mattock: I have not heard of any updates
(21:40:48) mattock: I'll keep my fingers of MSI as far as possible, until time 
to actually build them is here
(21:40:50) cron2: what was our release plan?  April 1?
(21:40:57) mattock: around that time I believe
(21:40:58) dazo: something like that
(21:43:10) cron2: minor update done
(21:43:47) mattock: thanks!
(21:43:54) dazo: I think we aimed at having all coding done by mid/end of 
January? So the beta releases can start rolling out ... or did I confuse it?
(21:44:39) cron2: not sure we agreed on a schedule for "how many betas in which 
time scale", but yes, coding done end of January sounds like a tentative goal 
to miss :)
(21:45:01) mattock: :)
(21:45:34) dazo: hehe
(21:46:56) mattock: so the MSI installers are starting to be last "must have" 
that is not yet being reviewed
(21:47:25) mattock: and I believe we decided that it would be ok to run the 
tap-windows6 NSI installer from within the OpenVPN 2.5 MSI 
(21:47:51) mattock: because support for driver installation in WiX toolset was 
(21:48:01) mattock: or was it upgrading the driver, can't recall exactly
(21:48:12) mattock: we need to start poking @rozmansi :D
(21:48:16) cron2: yes :)
(21:50:30) mattock: are we good, or is there something else to bring up?
(21:50:36) cron2: I'm fine
(21:50:52) mattock: I will take a stab at the IRC bouncer thing
(21:51:02) mattock: that shall be my personal mini-hackathon
(21:51:03) mattock: tomorrow
(21:51:26) cron2: :)
(21:51:47) dazo: cool! looking fwd to that mattock1! :)
(21:52:18) mattock: yep!
(21:52:23) mattock: so, we'll meet again tomorrow!
(21:52:51) cron2: when shall we three meet again...
(21:52:57) cron2: ... in thunder, lightning, or in rain...
(21:53:17) mattock: I'm sure that is a quote from a song

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