
Unfortunatelly it seems, we are stuck to LZO for now, because it has
been configured in the clients, which run 2.3. Most of these clients are
offline most of the time, so reconfiguring or upgrading all of them
before updating the server will become difficult. 

You are completely right: One reason for upgrading to OpenVPN 2.4 is
indeed this feature. Another reason is, that Client and Server can
negotiate to use AES instead of Blowfish :-)


(Sorry, should have answered to the list in the first place)

Am Mon, 23 Mar 2020 22:00:12 +0500
schrieb Илья Шипицин <chipits...@gmail.com>:

> thank you for wonderful investigation.
> however, are there reasons for using lzo ? it consumes too much cpu
> (comparing to lz4). also, it highly depends on traffic itself, many
> application already compress their bytes themselves.
> if you are stick to lzo, because it is propagated to all configs, in
> 2.4 you can push compression options just like dhcp option from
> server to clients (and it wins over the config file).
> пн, 23 мар. 2020 г. в 21:29, Michael Kress <li...@m-kress.de>:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > There seems to be some kind of alignment problem in OpenVPN 2.4
> > versions on ARMv4 based machines (32 bit), especially when lzo
> > compression kicks in.
> >
> > History:
> > --------------------
> > We run OpenVPN 2.3 happily on a ARMv4 machine. Now we want to
> > upgrade to 2.4 because of automatically negotiated AES instead of
> > BlowFish. The configuration is unchanged, only OpenVPN and OpenSSL
> > get upgraded. The tunnel gets up, but some traffic is dropped on
> > the OpenVPN server side MULTI: bad source address from client
> > [], packet dropped
> >
> >
> > Short version of the story:
> > ---------------------------
> > Only this helps:
> >  $ echo 3 > /proc/cpu/alignment
> > leads to a lot of alignment failure messages
> >
> > Long version of the story:
> > --------------------------
> > - Authentication via certificates
> > - both server and client are ARMv4 based machines
> > - Tunnel IP net is
> > - LZO compression with --comp-lzo (adaptive)
> > - IP of OpenVPN server:
> >   IP of OVPN_Client1:
> >   IP of OVPN_Client2:
> >
> > A ping from the OpenVPN client to the OpenVPN server works,
> > as long the packet payload has a certain size
> >   $ ping -s 350
> >
> > The same ping situation but with a default payload ping failes:
> >   $ ping
> > The server complains with
> > Mon Mar 23 14:54:06 2020 us=663594 OVPN_Client1/
> > MULTI: bad source address from client [], packet dropped
> >
> > Interesting: The source IP address is different with every ping
> > packet reaching the OpenVPN server: 10.1.0.XXX, with XXX is a
> > random number from 0 to 254. Eventually a ping becomes answered
> > with a pong, when luckily the correct tunnel IP address is used
> > (chance is 1 to 255 :-)
> >
> > With the bigger ping payload _every_ packet gets answered, because a
> > manually entered debug line prints the correct source address of the
> > packet.
> >
> > Removing LZO compression also solves the problem: With --comp-lzo
> > removed from the client and server, no packets are dropped. We used
> > LZO 2.06 and 2.10, they behave the same.
> >
> > Modifying the cipher and/or the hash algorithm doesn't change
> > anything, even if no encryption is used at all (none)
> >
> >
> > Then I compilied OpenVPN (all of the three versions) with
> > and started OpenVPN very verbose (verb 14).
> >
> > This is tail -f /var/log/openvpn.log | grep ERROR:
> > Mon Mar 23 13:25:59 2020 us=740000 OVPN_Client2/
> > ERROR: Alignment at mss.c/56 ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=537/84/2562
> > I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23 13:26:00 2020 us=660000
> > OVPN_Client2/ ERROR: Alignment at mroute.h/196
> > ptr=0x00bfec30 OLC=461/84/2562 I=crypto.c/397
> > Mon Mar 23 13:26:00 2020 us=690000
> > OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment at proto.c/48
> > ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=461/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23 13:26:00
> > 2020 us=690000 OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment
> > at mss.c/56 ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=461/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23
> > 13:26:00 2020 us=720000 OVPN_Client1/ ERROR:
> > Alignment at mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00bfec30 OLC=537/84/2562
> > I=crypto.c/573 Mon Mar 23 13:26:00 2020 us=750000
> > OVPN_Client2/ ERROR: Alignment at proto.c/48
> > ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=537/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23 13:26:00
> > 2020 us=750000 OVPN_Client2/ ERROR: Alignment
> > at mss.c/56 ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=537/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23
> > 13:26:01 2020 us=710000 OVPN_Client2/ ERROR:
> > Alignment at mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00bfec30 OLC=461/84/2562
> > I=crypto.c/397 Mon Mar 23 13:26:01 2020 us=730000
> > OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment at proto.c/48
> > ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=461/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23 13:26:01
> > 2020 us=730000 OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment
> > at mss.c/56 ptr=0x00c3ece8 OLC=461/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23
> > 13:26:01 2020 us=770000 OVPN_Client1/ ERROR:
> > Alignment at mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00bfec30 OLC=537/84/2562
> > I=crypto.c/573 Mon Mar 23 13:26:01 2020 us=800000
> > OVPN_Client2/ ERROR: Alignment at proto.c/48
> > ptr=0x00c43188 OLC=537/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23 13:26:01
> > 2020 us=800000 OVPN_Client2/ ERROR: Alignment
> > at mss.c/56 ptr=0x00c43188 OLC=537/84/2562 I=/1077682176 Mon Mar 23
> > 13:26:02 2020 us=680000 OVPN_Client2/ ERROR:
> > Alignment at mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00bfec30 OLC=461/84/2562
> > I=crypto.c/397 ....
> >
> > The only thing that I know of until now, that
> > makes the packets not get dropped is:
> >   $ echo 3 > /proc/cpu/alignment
> >
> >
> > Now every packet gets transported, none are
> > dropped any longer.
> >
> > The ERRORS are still there, but few of them:
> > Mon Mar 23 14:53:12 2020 us=753594 OVPN_Client1/
> > ERROR: Alignment at mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00f6c598 OLC=537/84/2562
> > I=crypto.c/574 Mon Mar 23 14:53:13 2020 us=763594
> > OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment at mroute.h/196
> > ptr=0x00f6c598 OLC=537/84/2562 I=crypto.c/574 Mon Mar 23 14:53:14
> > 2020 us=773594 OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment at
> > mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00f6c598 OLC=537/84/2562 I=crypto.c/574 Mon Mar
> > 23 14:53:15 2020 us=783594 OVPN_Client1/ ERROR:
> > Alignment at mroute.h/196 ptr=0x00f6c598 OLC=537/84/2562
> > I=crypto.c/574 Mon Mar 23 14:53:16 2020 us=793594
> > OVPN_Client1/ ERROR: Alignment at mroute.h/196
> > ptr=0x00f6c598 OLC=537/84/2562 I=crypto.c/574 ....
> >
> >
> > Tested on versions:
> > -------
> > OpenVPN version 2.4.8, 2.4.3 and 2.4.2
> > Used LZO 2.10
> > Used OpenSSL 1.1.1d and 1.0.2d
> >
> > OpenVPN 2.4.2 arm-unknown-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4]
> > [EPOLL] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Mar 23 2020
> > library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2n  7 Dec 2017, LZO 2.10
> > Originally developed by James Yonan
> > Copyright (C) 2002-2017 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.
> > <sa...@openvpn.net>
> >
> > OpenVPN 2.4.3 arm-unknown-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4]
> > [EPOLL] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Mar 23 2020
> > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019, LZO 2.10
> > Originally developed by James Yonan
> > Copyright (C) 2002-2017 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.
> > <sa...@openvpn.net>
> >
> > OpenVPN 2.4.8 arm-unknown-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4]
> > [EPOLL] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Mar 23 2020
> > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019, LZO 2.10
> > Originally developed by James Yonan
> > Copyright (C) 2002-2018 OpenVPN Inc <sa...@openvpn.net>
> >
> >
> >
> > For the sake of completenes here is the server config file:
> > -------
> > max-routes 300
> > server
> > server-ipv6 fd19:433a:30e5:0c2c::/64
> > dh /etc/openvpn/lan/server/dh.pem
> > ca /etc/openvpn/lan/server/ca.crt
> > key /etc/openvpn/lan/server/private.key
> > cert /etc/openvpn/lan/server/cert.crt
> > proto udp
> > lport 1194
> > rport 1194
> > comp-lzo
> > cipher AES-256-CBC
> > auth sha256
> > tun-mtu 1500
> > reneg-sec 3600
> > ping 30
> > ping-restart 60
> > verb 14
> > dev tun
> > client-to-client
> > client-config-dir /etc/openvpn/lan/ccd
> > push "route"
> > push  "route-ipv6 fdb8:fead:4164:38f6::/64"
> > management /var/run/openvpnd_lan.socket unix
> > explicit-exit-notify 1
> > route
> > push "route"
> > route
> > push "route"
> >
> >
> > And the configuration of one client:
> > --------
> > max-routes 300
> > client
> > remote
> > ca /etc/openvpn/lan/client/ca.crt
> > key /etc/openvpn/lan/client/private.key
> > cert /etc/openvpn/lan/client/cert.crt
> > proto udp
> > lport 1194
> > rport 1194
> > nobind
> > comp-lzo
> > cipher AES-256-CBC
> > auth sha256
> > tun-mtu 1500
> > reneg-sec 3600
> > ping 30
> > ping-restart 60
> > verb 3
> > dev tun
> > tun-ipv6
> > float
> > management /var/run/openvpn_lan.socket unix
> >
> > --
> > Servus
> >   Michael
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Openvpn-devel mailing list
> > Openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openvpn-devel
> >  


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