
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Wed 5th May 2021
Time: 14:00 CET (12:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


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cron2, dazo, d12fk, lev, mattock, ordex and plaisthos participated in this meeting.


Lev is working on arm64 support in dco-win. So far he has managed to produce MSI which runs on arm64, but installation fails because his customactions.dll runs on .net framework which is not available for arm64, so he is rewriting it to C++ (should’t be a big task).


Talked about backporting the "Fix build with mbedtls w/o SSL renegotiation support" patch to 2.5. Agreed that this should be merged because the patch that breaks the build is also there.


Ordex is working on the few remaining patches from Arne - they touch the TLS state machine so further digging is required, hence more time to stamp with ACK.


Talked about DCO for Linux. There has not been much feedback on it, so either it is not being used much, or it works perfectly. Agreed that to know for sure it needs to be released to the mainstream in 2.6. After we have enough real users we can consider upstreaming the Linux kernel patches.


Talked about the CRL extractor script:


Agreed to merge this. Noted that we could have a "openvpn-contrib" repo for this kind of things, but did not move forward with the idea. Also noted that "contrib" directory in openvpn repo is fairly unmaintained.


Talked about compat mode introduced by plaisthos:


Basically it allows more easily configuring default options OpenVPN to be compatible with old OpenVPN versions. This allows changing the defaults without affecting users too much. Agreed that it would make sense to make this compat-mode feature client-only.


Mattock is figuring out the technical details regarding GitHub + HCK-CI with the Daynix guys.


Mattock now has dockerized buildbot + two workers that are actually to build openvpn2 correctly. This is all in Vagrant for now. The main challenge is keeping the configuration clean given all special builders and build parameters we have.

Noted that the two buildbot setups can co-exist peacefully so there's no particular hurry in migrating the buildslaves.


Full chatlog attached
(14:48:03) plaisthos: I am probably semi-afk in the meeting since I have 
another meeting in parallel :/
(14:57:58) ***ordex waves fist
(14:58:33) mattock: hello
(14:58:39) cron2: who schedules such!
(14:59:02) mattock: I blame the ukrainians as the americans are sleeping
(15:01:31) lev__: Hello
(15:02:11) dazo: hey
(15:02:35) d12fk: howdy
(15:02:46) cron2: I think corp meetings need to be refused unless they have IPv6
(15:02:59) dazo: :-D
(15:03:06) ordex: agreed!!
(15:03:12) d12fk: or only held in black and white
(15:03:14) ordex: or they shuld be held only on ipv6-only servers
(15:03:18) ordex: *should
(15:03:29) cron2: we have a correct topic! and an agenda page!
(15:03:35) ***cron2 congratulates mattock :-)
(15:04:27) ordex: wooo
(15:04:35) ordex: "Topic set by ordex"
(15:04:39) ordex: :-P
(15:05:36) dazo: ordex++
(15:05:44) ordex: \o/
(15:06:07) ordex: so, anything for the sync up ?
(15:07:05) ***lev__ prepared ovpn-dco-win enabled client in the form of MSI 
(15:07:06) ordex: I think for 2.5 not much has happened since the last meeting?
(15:07:25) cron2: yeah, that's easy.  Nothing on my plate.
(15:07:31) ordex: lev__: what is that based on? master + dco patches from arne 
+ ?
(15:07:55) mattock: topic is not my doing, but agenda pages are mostly
(15:07:56) cron2: well, there's this mbedtls patch where someone on the list 
requested 2.5 pull-up, but I haven't looked more closely yet (= if needed, I'll 
do, but I think the prerequisite patch isn't even in)
(15:08:36) ordex: mbedtls patch ?
(15:09:00) lev__: Now working on arm64 support. So far I managed to produce MSI 
which runs on arm64, but installation fails because my customactions.dll runs 
on .net framework which is not available for arm64, so I am rewriting it to C++ 
(should’t be a big task)
(15:09:31) lev__: Based on Arne‘a DCO branch
(15:09:48) cron2: ordex: 
(15:09:50) vpnHelper: Title: Re: [Openvpn-devel] [PATCH applied] Re: Fix build 
with mbedtls w/o SSL renegotiation support (at www.mail-archive.com)
(15:09:59) cron2: lev__: cool
(15:10:18) ordex: lev__: oky
(15:10:56) ordex: cron2: yeah, that makes sense
(15:11:04) mattock: lev: there's the risk that Microsoft will get off the hook 
if you do all the work (their App Assurance team was about to participate in 
the arm64 work, but we have not heard back from them in several weeks)
(15:11:10) ordex: any objection to merging it to 2.5?
(15:11:11) lev__: There is “.net core” which runs on arm64, but it is not 
supported by Wix CustomActions framework, unlike “.net framework”
(15:11:30) mattock: .net core is the cross-platform framework
(15:11:35) cron2: ordex: if it is needed, I'll merge.  If "the patch that 
breaks stuff" is not in, I'll not merge.  Haven't looked more closely yet.
(15:11:59) cron2: I just wanted to say "this is the only thing on my 2.5 agenda 
(15:12:58) lev__: mattock: we can send a bill to MSFT when the work is done
(15:13:06) cron2: can you?
(15:13:32) ordex: [cron2: yeah, the offending patch was merged to 2.5 too]
(15:13:52) mattock: lev: I think you should send it so you get the money 
(15:13:53) mattock: :D
(15:14:12) ordex: for 2.6 I am working on the few remaining patches from Arne - 
they touch the TLS state machine so further digging is required, hence more 
time to stamp with ACK
(15:14:13) lev__: Sure, anyone can. Doesn’t mean they’ll pay, though.
(15:14:29) cron2: ordex: okay, thanks for looking (did I mention I find 
mbedTLS' approach to conditional features silly?  Why couldn't they just keep 
the API call, and return "ERROR!" for anything that is not "turn it off"?)
(15:15:00) ordex: agreed - the approach you state is the one I normally go with 
- so the ifdefs are all hidden
(15:15:24) ordex: anyway, we can't change that (yet)
(15:15:38) cron2: re 2.6: the rest of the "pending authentication" patchset 
(1577, 1604, 1585) is on my plate
(15:16:47) ordex: cool
(15:17:02) ordex: anything else for 2.5/2.6 ?
(15:18:05) cron2: not from my side
(15:18:17) ordex: it seems nobody has anything else for this point :)
(15:18:24) mattock: yep
(15:18:26) ordex: #2
(15:18:27) mattock: ipv6 = no
(15:18:30) ordex: IPv6 to community
(15:18:34) cron2: I'm a bit curious on DCO for Linux - it has been quiet for a 
while now.  Is someone using it for real?  Did you get test results?
(15:18:43) ordex: cron2: no
(15:18:52) ordex: somebody may be using it with the ovpn3-linux client
(15:18:57) ordex: but we haven't heard much
(15:19:03) mattock: either it works perfectly or nobody is using it
(15:19:07) ordex: :D
(15:19:25) cron2: or it didn't work because someone couldn't figure out the 
options and tried wg instead...
(15:19:26) ordex: i believe it will be adopted more once we get it into ovpn2
(15:20:02) mattock: the bugs will be found when it becomes mainline
(15:20:03) ordex: dazo: did you manage to get any insight on the progress of 
the net->.com move yesterday evening? (if it was you joining that meeting)
(15:20:04) mattock: 2.6
(15:20:11) ordex: yeah, think so too
(15:20:18) ordex: this is why we have to push 2.6 forward
(15:20:28) cron2: doing my part :)
(15:20:44) ordex: at that point it will also be used on servers
(15:20:46) mattock: how is the upstream kernel-side of DCO moving along? 
(15:21:15) ordex: it is a requirement that we get dco tested before even 
thinking to send it upstream
(15:21:26) ordex: so it's all a dependency chain
(15:21:29) dazo: ordex: that meeting was not happening due to the Ukrainians 
having a public holiday
(15:21:42) ordex: ovpn2 -> test -> bugfix -> start upstreaming approach
(15:21:52) mattock: ok
(15:22:03) mattock: makes sense
(15:22:06) ordex: sending upstream something that currently nobody uses is 
pointless hehe
(15:22:15) ordex: it makes us weak too
(15:22:18) cron2: ordex: but didn't you test it?  "it compiles, all good, ship 
it" :-)
(15:22:21) ordex: so better grow some userbase first
(15:22:31) ordex: cron2: not sure that's enough of an argument :)
(15:23:06) ordex: dazo: oh ok
(15:23:18) ordex: we move to #3?
(15:23:30) mattock: 01
(15:23:32) mattock: oops
(15:23:33) mattock: +1
(15:24:13) ordex: ok, this patch was sent by David long time ago
(15:24:26) ordex: plaisthos: first acked then he raised some valid concerns
(15:24:33) cron2: yeah, it got an ACK first, and then a "maybe not ACK"
(15:24:35) ordex: but then the patch was forgotten
(15:24:37) ordex: yeah
(15:24:52) ordex: after reading the whole thing I proposed an "automatic 
approach": https://patchwork.openvpn.net/patch/1297/#3422
(15:24:53) vpnHelper: Title: [Openvpn-devel] Remove --no-replay - Patchwork (at 
(15:24:54) cron2: but if plaisthos is not here, #3 and #5 should be postponed 
to next week... it is not really urgent
(15:25:03) ordex: right
(15:25:10) ordex: and I think he is not here at the moment
(15:26:09) ordex: my opinion about #4 is that "the CRL is *not* reloaded upon 
each client connection"
(15:26:18) ordex: only if it was modified since the last reload
(15:27:00) ordex: but the patch seems interesting, no?
(15:27:10) ordex: but why merging such tool in the core repo?
(15:27:30) ordex: isn't it better maintained outside?
(15:27:42) cron2: well, the CRL is reloaded if it as modified, and if he has 
like 10000 entries in the CRL, and it changes often...
(15:28:10) ordex: yeah, may introduce some lag
(15:28:16) cron2: we do have the crl-directory feature, and that would help 
other users to use it more easily...
(15:28:22) ordex: indeed the "dir" approach exists and this is a good use case
(15:28:37) d12fk: basically he states that --ca-dir is the solution, and it's 
there already
(15:28:50) d12fk: wonder why we need python for that though
(15:29:01) d12fk: little shell and openssl should suffice
(15:29:06) cron2: people seem to think it's a viable programming language
(15:29:13) ordex: not --ca-dir but --crl-verify 'dir'
(15:29:40) ordex: but the question is: why do we need to merge it in our repo? 
it could be freely available as an external tool, no? (that we can recommend, 
like easyrsa)
(15:29:43) d12fk: think --ca-dir also does drls if they are there
(15:29:57) d12fk: they have a .1 suffix, cas .0 iirc
(15:30:04) ordex: ah ok
(15:30:21) d12fk: if its somehwere noone will find it
(15:30:52) cron2: ordex: well, the thing is "so people can find it".  If we 
think it's useful, it should be somewhere that does not go stale
(15:31:02) d12fk: i think openss has a script for generating the hashes from 
the .pem files already
(15:31:08) d12fk: *openssl
(15:31:14) cron2: (we could put it on a sample script section in trac...)
(15:31:22) cron2: or just point to d12fk's script instead :)
(15:31:22) ***d12fk is searching
(15:31:32) ordex: hash? you mean the serial?
(15:32:01) dazo: ordex: it's targeted for contrib/ ... where we have similar 
scripts too
(15:32:19) ordex: hm I see
(15:32:23) ordex: are they maintained at all?
(15:32:25) cron2: I would put it in contrib/, provided it works :-) - because 
it is useful.
(15:32:32) cron2: contrib/ is semi-unmaintained.
(15:35:23) ordex: in any case, with openssl you can print the serial of the 
revoked certificates (in a longer output), grep for the right thing, trim and 
touch files accordingly
(15:36:10) cron2: which is what this script does - so "someone builds a script, 
in a language of their choice, and we either put it into contrib/ or not", no?
(15:36:37) ordex: ah actually the python script is also calling the openssl 
binary xD
(15:36:46) mattock: another question might be: should we have a "contrib" repo 
(15:36:47) ordex: yeah
(15:37:02) mattock: with lower barrier to entry than the main project
(15:37:04) ordex: "yeah" to cron2
(15:37:20) mattock: generally splitting things off has been beneficial 
(openvpn-build, openvpn-gui, etc)
(15:37:21) d12fk: $ man c_rehash
(15:37:25) cron2: mattock: I think we've been there before, but I can't 
remember what we thought, then
(15:37:26) d12fk: that's what I meant
(15:37:36) cron2: No manual entry for c_rehash
(15:37:51) d12fk: it should come with openssl
(15:37:59) d12fk: it should come with openssl
(15:38:03) ordex: I do have the manpage, but it talks about hashes, not serial 
numbers, no?
(15:38:04) cron2: yeah, linux has the manpage for c_rehash, FreeBSD does not
(15:38:18) d12fk: yeah those are needed for the ca-dir feature
(15:38:25) mattock: cron2: re: being there earlier: you're probably right
(15:38:56) d12fk: not aware if crl dir is a ossl feature or added by ovpn
(15:39:07) d12fk: maybe noone was aware of the .1 files
(15:39:19) dazo: d12fk: sure?  I think that's a openvpn specific behaviour, not 
using the hash approach normally expected
(15:39:29) cron2: d12fk: openvpn
(15:39:37) cron2: verify_check_crl_dir()
(15:39:44) cron2:     if (!openvpn_snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s%c%s", crl_dir, 
(15:39:49) cron2:     fd = platform_open(fn, O_RDONLY, 0);
(15:39:52) cron2:         msg(D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY CRL: depth=%d, %s, serial=%s 
is revoked",
(15:39:57) dazo: --capath uses hashes, though, iirc
(15:40:31) ordex: d12fk: the crl dir thing is a openvpn approach
(15:40:38) d12fk: yeah thatis what i am suggesting instead of the proprietary 
(15:41:00) d12fk: might make sense with more than on tls lib though
(15:41:10) d12fk: crls have a .r0 suffix
(15:41:17) d12fk: was almost right =)
(15:41:19) ordex: hehe
(15:41:37) ordex: d12fk: so you're suggesting to have one CRL per certificate ?
(15:41:48) ordex: with the name being the hash of that cert ?
(15:42:04) ordex: and then totally kill the crl dir approach?
(15:42:13) d12fk: i think that is what openssl supports out of the box
(15:42:35) d12fk: if there's a better reason for using something else i'm fine
(15:42:52) d12fk: was not aware or the crl serial thing before today =)
(15:43:23) plaisthos: so re
(15:43:36) d12fk: re plaisthos
(15:44:55) ordex: we haven't decided if we want to merge this though?
(15:44:55) ordex: :D
(15:45:05) ordex: we could merge it to contrib and be done with it
(15:45:07) plaisthos: cron2: I thinhk c_rehash and the hash.0 as filename is 
normal OpenSSL stuff
(15:45:12) ordex: if we kill the feature, we also kill the script later on
(15:45:19) dazo: I think that's reasonable
(15:45:30) cron2: which of the two? :)
(15:45:35) dazo: lets merge it, it is useful today ... it's not overly 
(15:45:58) dazo: I only see one patch, or did I miss anything?
(15:46:09) cron2: now that I actually checked the code inside OpenVPN on how 
crl-dir works, I find it fairly straightforward :-)
(15:46:17) cron2: (I assumed it's something magic in the SSL libraries...)
(15:46:33) cron2: dazo: yeah, only this patch, but since it is so old, I wanted 
to bump it up
(15:46:36) cron2: bump
(15:46:45) cron2: I can handle the rest :)
(15:47:04) ordex: so verdict is: merge
(15:47:05) ordex: ?
(15:47:09) cron2: yep
(15:47:13) ordex: ay
(15:47:55) ordex: we have 10 minutes left
(15:48:02) ordex: wanna talk about #3 or #5 ?
(15:48:04) dazo: right .... the python code is pretty much straight forward ... 
you could question the implementation design (exec of openssl), in which a pure 
shell approach would be more portable and just as elegant
(15:48:04) mattock: yes
(15:48:10) ordex: maybe #5 ?
(15:48:11) cron2: --no-replay?
(15:48:13) ordex: it is more urgent
(15:48:46) plaisthos: keeping --no-replay is important if we care about people 
who want openvpn with cipher none
(15:48:47) cron2: I'll leave that decision to plaisthos
(15:49:51) ordex: plaisthos: should we rather talk about #5 since we have few 
minutes left?
(15:49:56) ordex: --no-reply can wait longer
(15:49:57) plaisthos: I personally don't think cipher none is important anymore 
since the performance hit from AES-GCM is low
(15:50:20) plaisthos: for #5: 
(15:50:24) plaisthos: WIP commit for that
(15:50:57) plaisthos: reading changelog.rst and generic-options.rst should be 
enough to get the idea what I am doing
(15:51:03) dazo: I can understand the usefulness of running openvpn with 
--cipher none for debugging and testing .... but if you use it because you 
really want a plain text tunnel, there are better approaches.  If you want to 
ensure data is not modified in transit, enforcing encryption is not the worst 
(15:51:07) ordex: plaisthos: we should explain what is the decision though ?
(15:51:24) plaisthos: For #5?
(15:51:28) ordex: yeah
(15:52:31) plaisthos: so basically DCO enabled/ready by default and by doing 
upgrades without changing configs is a desirable goal
(15:52:48) plaisthos: however it conflicts with being backwards compatible with 
2.3 out of out of box
(15:53:00) ordex: yap
(15:53:15) plaisthos: Also rasing TLS minimum version to TLS 1.2 conflicts with 
<= 2.3.7 out of the box
(15:54:05) plaisthos: so the idea behind compat-mode is that we get new better 
default and users cna then add compat-mode 2.3.0 to get an easy way to work 
with old peers
(15:54:24) dazo: Also consider that we have only committed to git-tree only 
support until June 2021 for the release/2.3 branch
(15:54:40) plaisthos: We might also make that feature client mode only, forcing 
server admins to spend a bit more effort
(15:55:49) cron2: client-only sounds like a good idea
(15:56:00) cron2: sometimes you just need to talk to something broken, as a 
(15:56:36) dazo: but at some point, you need to draw a line too
(15:57:02) dazo: that's what we've done with supported windows versions as well 
as various linux distributions
(15:58:14) plaisthos: dazo: the line is simple
(15:58:29) plaisthos: compat-mode only sets defaults on features we still 
support anyway
(15:58:34) plaisthos: it is only best effort
(15:59:02) plaisthos: e.g. it does bring back support for compeltely remove 
features like no-iv (or maybe later no-replay)
(15:59:12) ordex: it does *not*
(15:59:29) plaisthos: yeah, sorry, it does not
(15:59:30) cron2: I understand "compat-mode" to be, basically, a macro for "set 
this, this and this option to $oldvalue, because we have now changed the 
default away to $newvalue"
(15:59:41) plaisthos: cron2: yes
(15:59:44) ordex: yeah
(16:00:05) cron2: this can be documented in a fairly straightforward way
(16:00:08) cron2: compat-mode 2.3.0
(16:00:12) cron2:   - tls-version-min 1.0
(16:00:16) cron2:  - cipher BF-CBC
(16:00:23) cron2:  - topology net30
(16:00:30) plaisthos: I didn't readd cipher BF-CBC :)
(16:00:34) cron2: (maybe not, but "some other stupid option")
(16:00:36) plaisthos: since 2.5 already blocks that
(16:00:59) plaisthos: cron2: did you already look at this bit? 
(16:01:04) cron2: nah
(16:01:05) plaisthos: the manpage that tries that
(16:01:16) plaisthos: what you just described
(16:01:27) cron2: yes
(16:01:36) cron2: now I looked :-)
(16:01:58) plaisthos: and if there is any other default we should probably 
bring in 2.6.0 I am all ears
(16:01:59) cron2: I find this a fairly low-impact way to go for more modern 
(16:02:09) cron2: topology subnet
(16:02:17) cron2: --nopull if --client
(16:02:20) cron2: nobind
(16:02:32) cron2: (but topology subnet is server side)
(16:02:38) plaisthos: I considering doing --nobind as default when ...(and now 
you were faster)
(16:02:58) ordex: hehe
(16:03:22) ordex: anyway, I guess we will see this patch landing and more 
comments will go to the mailing list. but overall seems a sensible approach
(16:03:34) cron2: invdivdiual
(16:03:35) ordex: at least to get out of the stale situation we are in
(16:03:36) plaisthos: have to think a bit about topology subset since it might 
break configs
(16:03:43) cron2: the spelling dragon does not like this
(16:03:48) ordex: !!
(16:03:50) ordex: subset !
(16:03:52) cron2: topology net30 -> subnet
(16:03:58) cron2: *will* break configs
(16:04:13) cron2: but sticking to net30 for new deployments is just silly (and 
was, for the last 10 years)
(16:04:19) plaisthos: and the other settings only break your configs if you 
have wacky configs/really old server/lcients
(16:04:53) ordex: dazo: are you fine with moving forward this way? then we rant 
more on the mailing list for the details?
(16:07:59) mattock: I hope so :)
(16:08:05) dazo: yeah
(16:08:05) ordex: gone with the wind
(16:08:06) ordex: :D
(16:08:08) mattock: we'd had several discussions about this already :D
(16:08:09) ordex: ah!
(16:08:36) ordex: well, nobody will forget !
(16:08:40) dazo: I've raised my points enough times, I believe ... no need to 
beat a dead horse more than needed :-P
(16:08:55) mattock: :P
(16:09:51) mattock: I can give a really quick update: moving forward with 
HCK-CI (technical details), have dockerized buildbot + two builders that 
actually build openvpn2 correctly
(16:09:52) plaisthos: dazo: drop 2.3 support in openvpn3-linux and we are 
(16:10:24) mattock: main challenge in buildbot is keeping the code reasonably 
neat with all the special cases for various platforms, different builder types, 
(16:10:26) dazo: I don't care about 2.3 support in openvpn3-linux ;-)
(16:10:35) dazo: not after June 2021 at least :-D
(16:10:55) mattock: kill support in July :)
(16:10:55) plaisthos: dazo: then you should seriously considering, setting TLS 
1.2 as default minimum TLS version
(16:11:17) plaisthos: dazo: we should probably do that as default for openvpn3 
in general
(16:11:23) dazo: plaisthos: make that the default in Core lib and you get it 
for free ;-)
(16:11:34) plaisthos: the connect apps have their "select tls version anyway"
(16:11:38) dazo: yepp
(16:11:44) plaisthos: dazo: as AS person I don't care ;P
(16:12:12) ordex: you are also a core person !
(16:12:13) ordex: :D
(16:12:19) ordex: ascore !
(16:12:24) ordex: I guess the meeting can end here ?
(16:12:32) ordex: enough dead horses on the street
(16:12:35) plaisthos: that breaks <= 2.3.7 by default on new installations by 
adding tls-version-min 1.2 in both client and server configs :]
(16:15:30) d12fk: signing out, need to help with exam prep
(16:15:58) cron2: mattock: so, when do you estimate we can move my buildbots to 
(16:18:00) mattock: cron2: this will take a while, but anything between 2-4 
(16:18:32) mattock: I'm writing the summary now, so I say "end this meeting" 
(16:19:06) mattock: well, I also need to build the official buildbot setup, 
this is all in Vagrant now
(16:19:33) mattock: but the two setups can co-exist peacefully
(16:19:37) mattock: so no hurry in that sense
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