
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Wed 26th May 2021
Time: 14:00 CET (12:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, d12fk, ecrist, lev, mattock, ordex, plaisthos and syzzer participated in this meeting.


Talked about the "Add detailed man page section to setup a OpenVPN setup with peer-fingerprint" patch:


Agreed that we should be consistent in what certificate and key file extensions we use in our documentation. Also agreed that this patch should be considered as-is, without thinking about all the other cases where our usage of file extensions might be inconsistent.


Talked about OpenVPN 2.5.2 and Windows ARM64. Once a few patches and PRs related to MSVC/MSI/building are merged we could release 2.5.2 for ARM64.


Talked about the Freenode vs. Libera controversy. Agreed to keep the bridge between these networks active until things possibly blow over. We'll revisit this topic next week.


Mattock gave an update on the dockerized Buildbot environment. It is now fully functional (in Vagrant) with buildmaster and about 11 latent (on-demand) containerized workers. T_client tests are working on a basic level, but for reasons unknown there's lot of packet loss, which apparently makes t_client tests fail. This could be a local problem so mattock won't debug it further.

The next step is to upgrade openvpn-vagrant's "msibuilder" VM to Windows Server 2019 to support WiX toolset 3.14, then use the same automation code to spin up on-demand (latent) EC2 Windows worker for buildbot. This allows us to get MSI snapshots as well.


Full chatlog attached

(12:50:37) cron2: I might be late for the meeting today, a few minutes
(12:53:33) cron2: meeting right now seems to overrun, and what I need to get 
done "in between" is tight
(12:55:03) cron2: I do not have any specific points anyway (except IPv6!)
(15:00:19) mattock: hi
(15:01:24) lev__: Hello
(15:01:46) dazo: hey!
(15:03:59) cron2: hi
(15:03:59) ***d12fk waves hello
(15:04:45) cron2: i am actually not here.. stuck i  the woods, 35 min home by 
bike and rain
(15:04:57) cron2: so just nexus7
(15:05:13) d12fk: at least you got net int he woods
(15:07:25) ***ordex is here
(15:07:26) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2021-05-26
(15:07:28) ***ordex waves fist
(15:08:31) plaisthos: I want to ask about the key/crt vs pem thing
(15:10:10) cron2: i think selva makes good points
(15:10:30) ordex: yeah
(15:10:32) ordex: think so too
(15:11:10) dazo: anyone got a pointer to his points?
(15:11:11) plaisthos: so I change that to key/crt that is used on the server 
(15:11:34) plaisthos: we still also use conf instead of ovpn on linux so it is 
not consistent anyway
(15:11:54) plaisthos: but I don't have a strong enough feeling to fight for pem 
file extensions
(15:12:00) ordex: right, but that'e less problematic imho
(15:12:13) ordex: key/crt/pem are really black boxes for most users, so easier 
to mess up
(15:12:30) ordex: dazo: there is somee mail on the -devel ml - plaisthos what 
was the subject ?
(15:12:54) dazo: I vaguely recall seeing it, but I can't find it
(15:13:26) plaisthos: the tutorial of the peer-fingerprint v2 patch
(15:13:33) ordex: Re: [Openvpn-devel] [PATCH v2 2/2] Add detailed man page 
section to setup a OpenVPN setup with peer-fingerprint
(15:14:25) dazo: found it! thx!
(15:15:03) ordex: np
(15:16:23) dazo: I don't have any strong opinions either way.  I commonly use 
$(prefix)-{cert,key}.pem ... as there are a few times it's been easier to 
search for files that way and some tools have picked up the files only with 
.pem extension; but I acknowledge that Windows might prefer .crt instead.
(15:17:42) cron2: personally i do not care much eithet way. we must be 
consistent, but this can be done either way
(15:17:59) dazo: This is essentially just a color of bikeshed variant .... and 
it relates to whether we see the file extension as the "content" or "format" of 
the file
(15:18:11) dazo: cron2++
(15:18:48) ***dazo votes for consistency, whatever extension is preferred
(15:18:50) d12fk: Windows display nice icons if you have the file extension 
right. it is all about that
(15:19:04) cron2: as well
(15:19:31) ordex: I also have no strong opinion, but vote for consistency
(15:19:33) d12fk: thou shalt shall inline </discussion>
(15:19:47) dazo: :-D
(15:19:50) ordex: but it seems that .key/.crt is what has been out there longer 
(regarding openvpn files)
(15:20:14) plaisthos: the tutorial uses inline fo clients but not for the server
(15:20:30) plaisthos: also what section is right one for the openvpn-example 
man page
(15:20:31) cron2: ok, swimming home now... afk
(15:20:35) plaisthos: iirc I used 5 in my patch
(15:21:59) d12fk: i vote for do anything, do it consistently. file extensions 
usually are no hurdle for ppl who (can) read man pages
(15:22:29) ordex: Section 5: File Formats and Conventions 
(15:22:44) d12fk: foo-key.pem == foo.key
(15:22:46) ordex: https://www.commandlinux.com/man-pages-sections
(15:24:12) d12fk: no extension would also be a good salomonian verdict -> 
(15:24:12) ordex: I guess section 5 is good then ?
(15:24:30) ordex: d12fk: and filename should be the fingerprint itself
(15:24:32) ordex: :p
(15:24:35) dazo: ordex: we could move our file format (and extension) sections 
into an openvpn(5) man page easily now 
(15:24:53) ordex: yeah
(15:25:39) dazo: it's the matter of creating an openvpn.5.rst file, add the 
appropriate ..include and add openvpn.5 to Makefile.am; and done.
(15:26:40) dazo: (well, I see we can add some improvements to Makefile.am to 
make it very easy there, but that's a different topic)
(15:26:58) ordex: plaisthos: what else do you need to proceed with that patch ?
(15:28:43) ***ordex shoots in the air
(15:30:45) mattock: I hope the bullet did not strike plaisthos on the way down
(15:32:06) ordex: he'd be on the ground by now if I got him
(15:32:35) plaisthos: dazo: there is already a patch for that on the mailing 
(15:32:55) dazo: plaisthos: I'll have a closer look, or was it the one I 
already commented on?
(15:33:17) plaisthos: and while man pages in multiple section with the same 
name are okay I most times find them rather user unfriendly
(15:33:47) plaisthos: dazo: no, the v2 has a add openvpn-examples 1/2 and the 
actual tutorial in 2/2
(15:34:03) dazo: alright, I'll give it a look
(15:34:31) vpnHelper ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Quit: Limnoria 2021.05.24).
(15:34:37) ordex: cool
(15:35:21) dazo: agreed that same-name man pages can be confusing unless you 
know the section you want in advance .... and I see other projects use their 
commonly used config name or similar concepts to avoid this
(15:35:28) dazo: openvpn-examples are fine too
(15:36:02) vpnHelper [~limnoria@openvpn/vpnHelper] è entrato nella stanza.
(15:36:43) mattock: anything else on this?
(15:37:21) dazo: I'd say we consider the current patches as is, and then we 
clean up extension usage across all documentation afterwards
(15:38:01) ordex: yap
(15:38:24) mattock: next topic?
(15:39:08) mattock: anything else on 2.6 or 2.5?
(15:39:45) ordex: not much I think - I have more patches on my shoulders to 
(15:39:50) ordex: going through those
(15:40:01) mattock: ok
(15:40:11) ordex: IPv6? :>
(15:40:12) ***lev__ is waiting for arm64/dco patches review
(15:40:15) dazo: I think 2.5 can sit on the fence a bit more to collect more 
fixes; nothing really urgent there currently
(15:40:31) dazo: and get 2.6 related work moving forward
(15:40:48) ordex: yap yap
(15:40:49) mattock: +1
(15:40:53) ordex: train is moving forward
(15:40:55) ordex: chooo chooo
(15:40:56) lev__: with a few patches acked, we could get 2.5.2 arm64 release
(15:41:17) ordex: lev__: are the arm64 patches touching just the msvc project 
files or code too ?
(15:41:37) lev__: msvc only, plus openvpn-build/msi 
(15:41:59) ordex: ok
(15:42:04) ordex: well, may nt be a bad idea then
(15:42:06) ordex: *not
(15:42:18) ordex: are there really people out there asking for windows/arm64 
(15:42:40) lev__: MSFT 
(15:42:46) ***d12fk fears it could go like Windos Phone
(15:43:18) ordex: up up up and then .. forgotten?
(15:43:19) ordex: :D
(15:43:27) mattock: maybe newer arm64 windows hardware is better
(15:43:39) mattock: the one I and lev have is not a speed daemon
(15:43:49) mattock: ok-ish, but not blazingly fast
(15:44:01) mattock: if there _is_ newer hardware, that is :D
(15:44:12) mattock: if not, I tend to share d12fk's fears :)
(15:44:24) ordex: hehe
(15:44:27) ordex: what's next on the list?
(15:44:40) ordex: freenode vs libera
(15:45:10) mattock: I think so
(15:45:10) d12fk: let freenode die quickly
(15:45:12) mattock: IPv6 = no
(15:45:16) mattock: +1
(15:45:23) d12fk: mattock: have you fixed the freenode mentions in the crm?
(15:45:36) mattock: no
(15:45:37) mattock: yet
(15:45:56) ordex: imho we should just mute the channel (optional), mention 
libera on our community website and put that link in freenode as topic
(15:45:57) mattock: by crm you mean meeting invitations etc?`:)
(15:46:00) d12fk: should be done soon so google can pick it up
(15:46:13) d12fk: for ppl searching for "openvpn irc"
(15:46:19) mattock: yep
(15:46:23) plaisthos: with the episode that they deregistered #openvpn-devel 
for some policy violation (liberia in the topic) I lost hope in freenode
(15:46:35) ordex: *libera* :D
(15:46:44) ordex: same here
(15:47:01) d12fk: they did, löl
(15:47:08) d12fk: diggin faster
(15:49:21) d12fk: we could stop the bridge and have a bot in the channels 
pinting ppl in the right direction
(15:49:41) d12fk: *the freenode channels
(15:49:52) ordex: yeah
(15:50:04) ordex: or just the topic, after all a link is a link, can't violate 
the policy per se
(15:50:24) ordex: but I would also stop the bridge - otherwise people will 
continue using freenode
(15:50:34) d12fk: depends if you can say jehova
(15:51:06) ordex: :D
(15:51:13) dazo: blasphemy!
(15:51:18) syzzer [~stef...@77-9-88-45.connected.by.freedominter.net] è entrato 
nella stanza.
(15:51:26) ordex: ah!
(15:51:29) ordex: syzzer!
(15:52:04) syzzer: yeah! was totally surprised to see libera forwarded messages 
on freenode
(15:52:17) mattock: hi!
(15:52:22) ecrist [~ecrist@openpvn/ecrist] è entrato nella stanza.
(15:52:30) ecrist: hola
(15:52:46) dazo: so brought in ecrist here as he does the irc bot and up stuff 
(15:52:55) ordex: hola
(15:52:56) dazo: and freenode has been discussed here for a few minutes
(15:53:04) ordex: we were discussing what to do with freenode
(15:53:08) syzzer: it's been years since I've touched my IRC / bouncer setup, 
need to figure out again how to make it connect to libera :')
(15:53:24) ordex: syzzer: we've all gone through that in the past 3 days
(15:53:24) ordex: :D
(15:53:28) syzzer: hehe
(15:53:33) dazo: ordex suggest muting freenode channels ... d12fk suggests 
having a bot replying to messages asking them to move over to libera.chat
(15:54:11) syzzer: I have no opinion on this, so I'll just lurk a bit
(15:54:15) d12fk: iff freenode censors libera in / topic
(15:54:17) mattock: start with the bot, then in a month mute?
(15:54:28) dazo: wfm!
(15:54:49) ecrist: I think we simply update our external links/etc pointing to 
libera and I finish setting up the wormhole and we leave it at that
(15:55:15) ordex: ecrist: the downside is that people joining freenode will not 
be pushed to move to libera if the worm continue to work all time long, no?
(15:55:23) ordex: *continues
(15:55:27) ecrist: really, from everyone but my own perspective, there's 
nothing to do
(15:55:39) ecrist: why do we have to push people anywhere?
(15:56:00) ecrist: I still have a bunch of channels I'm not leaving that will 
remain on freenode
(15:56:06) d12fk: fundamentalism
(15:56:12) mattock: well said!
(15:56:28) ecrist: what fundamental?  
(15:56:48) mattock: the mentality that we have to move to libera.chat because 
freenode is now on the dark side
(15:56:54) ecrist: I've read through all the statements from both "sides" of 
this squabble and I'm not convinced the opers are right
(15:57:04) mattock: 
(15:57:08) vpnHelper: Title: The Panic Over Freenode Isn’t Justified and Its 
Reaction Mostly Disproportionate | Techrights (at techrights.org)
(15:57:23) mattock: I did not research enough to know if that articles makes 
good arguments or not
(15:58:11) dazo: I'm also not convinced opers are fully right, but I also don't 
trust tomaw 
(15:58:14) ecrist: my understanding is the crux of the argument is that the 
owners of freenode want to decentralize it and hand control of linked servers 
to their sponsors (who own the server/etc) like IRC used to do back "in the day"
(15:58:18) d12fk: my point is, I was happy with the ops so far, so I'll stick 
with them, i.e. move to libera
(15:58:29) ecrist: the freenode opers didn't want to lose control
(15:58:47) ecrist: d12fk: nothing wrong with that at all
(15:59:14) ecrist: keeping our wormhole open doesn't really cause any trouble 
(once I finish the bot config), so why do we as a group really care?
(16:00:00) d12fk: mostly because: [09:14] <vpnHelper> mattock has quit freenode 
(Quit: ZNC 1.6.6+deb1ubuntu0.2 - http://znc.in)
(16:00:03) vpnHelper: Title: ZNC (at znc.in)
(16:00:21) ecrist: d12fk: I'm working to get rid of those messages
(16:00:24) d12fk: if freenode would be silent on libera, fine
(16:00:38) ecrist: what do you mean?
(16:00:54) plaisthos: all the joins etc message are pretty annoying
(16:01:04) ordex: my question would be: why did we move if we want to keep the 
connection to freenode?
(16:01:25) ordex: plaisthos: when they are notices, you can easily ignore them
(16:01:31) ordex: (most clients can)
(16:01:41) ecrist: even when they aren't notices, you can easily filter them
(16:01:53) ecrist: being notices makes it easier, though
(16:02:22) ordex: yeah
(16:02:49) ecrist: and again, as I've stated multiple times now, I'll get the 
bot upgraded and fixed so those notices go away
(16:03:15) mattock: sounds good
(16:04:07) plaisthos: the good old IRC days where one server operator was so 
bad that people creates Eris free network? :D
(16:04:09) ecrist: I have some amount of attachment to the openvpn channels on 
freenode as I founded them back in 2008 with krzee
(16:04:26) ecrist: for whatever that's worth
(16:04:31) mattock: so: ecrist fixes the bot, nothing else will happen for now?
(16:04:51) mattock: we'll wait a while until this things blows over or if it 
does not, finalize the move to libera?
(16:05:11) d12fk: try to link libera again in / topic?
(16:05:12) ecrist: "finalize" should be discussed
(16:05:34) ecrist: I do not plan on leaving freenode, and will keep those 
channels open
(16:05:39) ecrist: I will also be here
(16:05:56) ecrist: we are not going to mention libera in /topic on freenode
(16:06:42) dazo: to get another view on this freenode conflict: 
(16:08:58) mattock: I think we're done here
(16:09:10) mattock: let's not do anything hasty (anymore)
(16:09:11) syzzer_ [~syz...@77-9-88-45.connected.by.freedominter.net] è entrato 
nella stanza.
(16:09:36) ***ecrist recalls being the voice of reason between open source and 
OpenVPN Tech back in the day, too
(16:09:50) ecrist: especially once mattock was hired
(16:10:13) mattock: yep
(16:10:21) mattock: let's see where we are at next week
(16:10:35) mattock: ok I need to split
(16:10:40) ecrist: later
(16:10:42) ecrist ha abbandonato la stanza (thanks).
(16:10:43) mattock: just a quick update on buildbot
(16:10:44) dazo: ecrist and krzee are the guys who convinced me not to fork 
openvpn right before that ... as I got no response to patches on -devel list 
for months ......
(16:11:09) mattock: dockerized buildmaster + ~11 worker is fully functional 
with t_client.sh tests and all
(16:11:20) dazo: \o/ great work!
(16:11:48) mattock: for reasons unknown I get lot of packet loss in t_client 
tests, which seems to result in test failures
(16:11:58) mattock: but that may be a local problem and I won't debug it 
further right now
(16:12:11) mattock: the next step is to work on the Windows MSI worker
(16:12:19) mattock: which will build us MSI packages
(16:12:23) mattock: snapshots
(16:13:02) mattock: actually, first upgrade openvpn-vagrant's "msibuilder" VM 
to Windows Server 2019 to support WiX toolset 3.14, then use the same 
automation code to spin up on-demand (latent) EC2 Windows worker
(16:13:03) dazo: mattock: this is run inside docker containers?  could it be 
lacking privileges to get access to raw sockets (which ping requires)?
(16:13:10) syzzer ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Quit: leaving).
(16:13:11) mattock: no
(16:13:16) ordex: what a drama btw
(16:13:16) ordex: :D
(16:13:29) mattock: well, NET_RAW is missing, but ping works on a basic level, 
just packet loss
(16:13:39) dazo: okay
(16:13:46) mattock: anyhow, that's all on  buildbot
(16:13:52) mattock: we're done for today?
(16:13:55) mattock: 13 minutes overtime
(16:13:57) dazo: sounds so :)
(16:15:47) mattock: ok, I'll have to write the summary later
(16:15:59) mattock: unless I'm really quick, let's see
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