On 10/02/2022 11:21, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
The family specific options were generally omitted.

Signed-off-by: Frank Lichtenheld <fr...@lichtenheld.com>
  doc/man-sections/client-options.rst |  5 +++++
  doc/man-sections/link-options.rst   |  5 ++++-
  src/openvpn/options.c               | 17 +++++++++--------
  3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

v2: move #define around

diff --git a/doc/man-sections/client-options.rst 
index 73f1ea51..4c4a8707 100644
--- a/doc/man-sections/client-options.rst
+++ b/doc/man-sections/client-options.rst
@@ -198,6 +198,11 @@ configuration.
    When iterating through connection profiles, only consider profiles using
    protocol ``p`` (:code:`tcp` \| :code:`udp`).

+  Note that this specifically only affects the protocol, not the inet
+  family (i.e. IPv4 vs. IPv6). While the option actually accepts
+  values like :code:`udp6`, there is no difference to specifying
+  :code:`udp`.

I'm sorry I didn't catch this at the previous round; somehow I mixed it with the --proto change below. The section above is related to

May I suggest we clarify this text a bit more? As we have multiple definitions of protocol - whether it is the IP layer protocol or the TCP/UDP protocol on top of the IP layer. And in --proto we do indeed mix them up into a single option.

Perhaps something like the suggestion below might be somewhat clearer?

   Note that this specifically only affects the TCP/IP transport layer
   protocol (UDP/TCP), not the TCP/IP network layers (IPv4/IPv6).  In
   practice it means it will only consider connection profiles using
   either TCP or UDP.  This does not affect whether IPv4 or IPv6 is used
   as IP protocols. In this context, :code:`udp`, :code:`udp4` and
   :code:`udp6` are all considered the same. And similar with
   :code:`tcp`, :code:`tcp4` and :code:`tcp6`

The rest of the changes looks good now, and the relocation of the #define is better as well.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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