
On 31/07/15 09:10, Rahul Arora wrote:

I tried to run openssl with the commands provided by you.But my performance is decreasing when i use cryptodev.

I tried with file of approx 100MB.

*Without HW it takes 4secs only.

*with cryptodev it takes 3min 15 secs*

 Can you please provide some inputs to improve this?

this depends greatly on your hardware, but it is also off-topic for the openvpn email lists.
Perhaps you are better off asking on the openssl users/devel mailing lists.

It does prove, however, that you should not and can not blindly trust the results that "openssl speed" give you.



On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 6:26 AM, Jan Just Keijser <janj...@nikhef.nl <mailto:janj...@nikhef.nl>> wrote:


    On 30/07/15 19:04, Rahul Arora wrote:

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am already using "--engine cryptodev" in the configuration file.

    I am using "aes-128-cbc"  cipher algorithm and it is supported in
    my hardware as i am running "openssl speed test" using these
    ciphers only and in case of "openssl speed test" throughput is
    increasing but with openvpn it is not so.

    this was reported by someone on the list a few days ago as well.
    the problem is not with openvpn , but with the openssl speed
    command used:  the cryptodev engine (and kernel device) do not
    provide a factor of 100+ speedup. It's the "openssl speed -evp
    aes-256-cbc" command that reports erroneous results.
    Try running this openssl command on your box:

    date ; cat bigfile | openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -bufsize 8192
    -pass pass:testing123 >  /dev/null ; date

    where 'bigfile' is some large file of > 2 GB in size.
    Then rerun it using

    date ; cat bigfile | openssl enc -engine cryptodev -e -aes-256-cbc
    -bufsize 8192 -pass pass:testing123 > /dev/null ; date

    and compare the results. On my hardware I get zero difference
    whether I use cryptodev or not, whereas 'openssl speed' reports a
    100+ % improvement:

    with cryptodev module loaded:
       aes-256-cbc     286337.65k  1048423.31k  4589489.60k
    19596646.40k 141238272.00k

    without cryptodev:
       aes-256-cbc     465276.57k   487043.33k   493990.87k
    493776.90k   495720.11k

    so, apart from the fact that openvpn's speed limitations are not
    determined solely by encryption/decryption, this does prove to me
    that the cryptodev device offers little if no performance improvement.

    hope this clears things up,


    On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Gert Doering
    <g...@greenie.muc.de <mailto:g...@greenie.muc.de>> wrote:


        On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:55:00PM +0530, Rahul Arora wrote:
        > *Openvpn --version*
        > OpenVPN 2.1.3 arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi [SSL] [LZO2] [EPOLL] built on Jul 
        > 2015

        This is, uh, ancient.  2.3.7 is the current stable release.

        (It might or might not related, but we're certainly not going
        back to 2.2
        or even 2.1 releases to debug anything.  OpenVPN *should* use
        the crypto
        accelerator just fine, if OpenSSL can use it - if you need to
        use an
        OpenSSL engine, tell OpenVPN with "--engine yourengine".  It
        might not
        make an overwhelming difference in speed if you use the wrong
        algorithms - like, your hardware accelerates 3DES and you use
        --cipher blowfish...)


        USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
                       //www.muc.de/~gert/ <http://www.muc.de/%7Egert/>
        Gert Doering - Munich, Germany g...@greenie.muc.de

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