On 17/06/18 23:21, Alex K wrote:
> Seems that I can use AES-256-GCM since it gives same encapsulation overhead
> with slight decease of bandwidth compared to  AES-128-CBC I was using and it
> will provide some extra security to avoid any surprises from the quantum
> computers :)

Let me just correct a potential misunderstanding.  AES-256 makes it a bit
_harder_ to attack compared to AES-128 in the post-quantum scenario.

I'm fuzzy on the details (and the crypto geeks need to correct or confirm
this) ... but IIRC, the strength of AES-256 today is comparable to AES-128 in
a PQ scenario.  And like wise, today's strength of AES-128 today would be
roughly half that in a PQ world.

So AES-256 _does_ _not_ _protect_ you.  It just _increases_ the difficulty of
breaking it.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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