On lun.  4 nov. 04:16:44 2019, Leroy Tennison via Openvpn-users wrote:
> I previously believed that all IP network communication was done at
> layer 2 via arp and transmitting to the MAC address of the system
> responding for it's IP address.  Then I realized that OpenVPN doesn't
> have MAC addresses, so how does communication coming into an OpenVPN
> server from a non-OpenVPN interface get to OpenVPN's tun interface? 
> Is there a Linux facility to examine the routing table and transfer
> the inbound packet to the interface irrespective of MAC address?  If
> so, can you tell me what it is or point me to some documentation about
> it?  Thanks for the help.

Your question isn’t so clear, but I guess it’s just classical routing
Nevertheless, I don’t see why there should be MAC addresses on a L3
tunnel, the other end can’t be anything else than the client (or the
server if you’re looking at the server side).


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