I was using openwisp_config to register my device to the controller. And 
the device registration fails.

Some detail: 
Running openwisp2_config openssl version0.4.6a on LEDE 17.01
this is my /etc/config/openwisp

config controller 'http'
    option url ''
    #option interval '120'
    option verify_ssl '0'
    option shared_secret 'wMQQmI4xyzc9ubo87WN9cme5TW4e89CG'
    #option consistent_key '0'
    option mac_interface 'eth0'
    #option merge_config '1'
    #option test_config '1'
    #option test_script '/usr/sbin/mytest'
    option uuid ''
    option key 'H4MJysbthCLrZ7OPlspvdnCURiB8D7su'
    list unmanaged 'system.@led'
    list unmanaged 'network.loopback'
    list unmanaged 'network.@switch'
    list unmanaged 'network.@switch_vlan'
    # curl options
    option connect_timeout '15'
    option max_time '30'
    #option capath '/etc/ssl/certs'
    option cacert '/etc/ssl/certs/server.crt'
    # hooks
    #option pre_reload_hook '/usr/sbin/my_pre_reload_hook'

after restarting the agent, my log provides this:

Mon Nov 13 00:41:21 2017 daemon.info openwisp: OpenWISP config agent 
Mon Nov 13 00:41:21 2017 daemon.info openwisp: OpenWISP config agent started
Mon Nov 13 00:41:21 2017 daemon.info openwisp: Registering device...
Mon Nov 13 00:41:22 2017 daemon.err openwisp: Registration failed! }

And from the UWSGI log, the controlloer's response  to the POST request on 
/controler/register/ is an ERROR 400(Bad Request).

Could someone point out a potential mistake in the config? 

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