On Sunday 01 April 2012 14:20:10 Salander wrote:
> Hi all,
> This patch adds the Ostiary package to the repository.  I've tested this on 
the latest build (revision 31158).  Installation, un-installation and 
ostiaryd.init script all seem to work correctly.
> A bit of background, Ostiary has a similar purpose to Port Knocking but uses 
a different implementation that removes the possibility of replay attacks.  Not 
everyone will view it as suitable for their needs, but for me combined with 
ssh I feel it is more than sufficient.
> I suppose for the super paranoid admin, the perfect system would be a 
package that uses the approach of port knocking via a closed port that is 
combined with an ostiary style signature challenge.
> Anyhow, I have created quickstart documentation for the server and client at 
"http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/ostiary.server"; and  
> Signed-off-by: Salander <Salander [@t] gmx.u$>

Applied in r33167, thanks!
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