On 11.08.2012 14:58, Adam Gensler wrote:
> I did go way back in trunk to try to find a working version and ended up
> back on and it crashed there too. So I assume it's in older
> versions too.

Thanks, I assume that too but were unable to reproduce it reliable so
far; I'd definitely want to port this fix back (if it's existing in
older kernel)..

Do you have a method to reliable reproduce this problem without
Smartbits (having none)? Which resulting packet-size did you send,
64byte UDP-payload without Eth/IP/UDP-headers or less?

Sorry for the questions but *if true* this affects many, many Alix-Boards..

> On 8/10/12 3:35 PM, Michael Markstaller wrote:
>> On 09.08.2012 02:38, Adam Gensler wrote:
>>> The following patch corrects a hard reset that occurs on alix and
>>> soekris net5501 hardware. Specifically, this is an issue with the via
>>> rhine NIC driver. Under periods of extreme load, the via rhine driver
>>> can cause a reset of the entire system. When this happens no output is
>>> seen on the console, the device simply reboots. This was reported in the
>>> following ticket:
>>> Consistent crash on Soekris NET5501
>>> https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/11882
>> Sorry for a little OT: Does this -from your experience- also affect
>> older Kernels outside OpenWRT with the via-rhine like 2.6.32/2.6.38 ?
>> Michael
>> P.S.: Thanks, after reading this, I got a really big déjà vu!

best regards

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