Hello all!
Thank you for the great OS!
I'm trying to build Chaos Calmer from source for BlackSwift board (AR9331
dev board).
Patches for it can be applied only for revision 49007. I'm trying to apply
RT_PREEMT patch for openwrt in that embedded system and I wish to publish
my work somehow. My idea was to fork your github repository at needed
revision and start hacking on that.

So at first I tried googling  github repository (github.com/openwrt/openwrt)
for r49007 without any luck. Then I found official openwrt git repository "
git.openwrt.org/15.05/openwrt.git" and this commit
I'm using it currently for hacking. That commit hash isn't present in
github repository.
The questions are: How are github repository and the one stated above
correlate? Are there any docs about this? How can I publish changes made in
git.openwrt.org repository?

Thank you for any help.
Yours truly, ASMfreaK
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