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--- Begin Message ---

If Git fails with a "fatal" error inside, how come the build does not 
stop at that point?

Failed to calculate current revision isn't a "fatal error". As you can
see in it falls back to reporting an "unknown" version and
the rest of the buildroot works just fine. A exact revision isn't a
must during the entire building procedure.
> [...]

Seeing a fatal error on the build log is not exactly reassuring. I did not want to set any OpenWrt revision, so I was not expecting anything like this.

What's the impact of building an "unknown" version? Is that part of the OpenWrt version string or version information in the end? In that case, an "unknown" version is indeed undesirable.

If the user wants to set a particular version, that's fine. But if he does not, and determining the current version from Git fails, the script should not just ignore it.

The script is too brittle. Ignoring errors is usually a bad idea. Maybe next time it will be something else that fails and goes unnoticed. From the reactions I got, I suspect other such scripts in OpenWrt are also like this. Such brittle scripts have given me grief in the past.

If there is interest, I can make and maybe others more robust, and fix any ShellCheck warnings along the way.

About, I do not like the idea that you try Git first, and then Mercurial. This is rather nondeterministic. Either you are using one, or the other. Something like GET_VERSION_FROM=git (as default) or GET_VERSION_FROM=mercurial would probably be better.

Best regards,

--- End Message ---
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