#22489: WT3020H - Not Working
  Reporter:  hagfera   |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  packages  |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:            |   Keywords:

Comment (by hagfera):

 Replying to [ticket:22489 hagfera]:
 > I,
 > I followed the instruction here
 [https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/nexx/wt3020] to upgrade the firmware with
 > Then, my laptop, connected to internet, get an ip but no "internet"
 > Telnet seems to not working, since i tried,,
 because my laptop get the ip
 > I tried the reset button but pressing it 7 sec only make the led
 blinking and nothing else happen.
 > It seems that the firmware provided on the official wiki is non working.

 Thanks for theses very helpfull informations. Fortunately i made the
 mistake wrong port ... I used the wan port instead of the lan port.. so
 normal was not working. thanks you for your informations again, it will be
 usefull maybe for others.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/22489#comment:2>
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