
as far as I understand, what you want is an onos scenario on ARM in CI.
Functest tests are triggered according to the installer and the scenario
today ONOS specific tests are defined as

|case_name: onos project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: true description: >- Test Suite for the ONOS SDN Controller. It integrates some test suites from upstream using TestON as the test framework. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: 'onos' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.sdn.onos.onos' class: 'Onos'|

so if there is "onos" in the scenario name, Functest will try to run such tests
You may contact armband project for that.


On 11/08/2017 14:00, Mohan Kumar wrote:
Hi  ,

I was able to make ONOS controller up and run on ARM boards (AARCH64) with OpenStack as NBI also working on to run OPNFV Functest to validate basic ONOSFW use-cases [1] .

After Successful porting , I'd like to enable daily ONOSFW Functest CI on ARM Pods as well . Could you share your thoughts on this ?

[1] https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/onosfw/Onos+Test+Suite <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/onosfw/Onos+Test+Suite>


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