
functest reporting shows what it is in test DB
if you see odl_l3, it means that odl_l3 scenarios have been triggerred over the last 10 days in CI


if only odl scenario are triggereg, reference to odl_l2 or odl_l3 will disappear automatically


On 13/09/2017 01:19, Alexandru Avadanii wrote:
Fuel and Armband projects renamed the ODL-L3 scenario to simply ODL, and 
dropped the ODL-L2 scenarios, as described in [1].
I noticed that the Functest results dashboard pages [2, 3] still use the old 
naming scheme, although the new scenario is also listed.
Would it be possible to cleanup obsolete scenarios?

Thank you,

[1] https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUEL-279
[2] http://testresults.opnfv.org/reporting/master/functest/status-f...@x86.html

Morgan Richomme

Network architect for innovative services
Future of the Network community member
Open source Orange community manager

tel. +33 (0) 296 072 106
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