Hello Tim,

The OPNFV-SFC project has already volunteered to be part of that booth
and our proposal seems aligned with your third idea. We would like to
explain our cross community CI strategy based on XCI and show a demo of
the first and second phase in that strategy, i.e. the integration of
our scenarios with XCI and its automatic deployment and testing through
Functest. All components in the deployment based on the master branch
of OpenStack, OPNFV and ODL. Note that our roadmap for 2018 includes
the integration with other LF projects such as fd.io (and perhaps ONAP
if they develop any SFC integration which is missing so far). Any
feedback on our proposal or help would be really appreciated!


On Fri, 2018-01-26 at 09:41 +0000, Tim Irnich wrote:
> Hi Brandon, all, 
> thanks for highlighting this opportunity. 
> > Off the top of my head, a couple of ideas what OPNFV might be able to
> > > LaaS: explain the idea, demo resource booking via the dashboard, show
how a pre-deployed OPNFV scenario gets spun up & handed over to the
> > > > New test dashboards: Explain the OPNFV test ecosystem, show how we
use the dashboards to visualize quality improvements and capability
gains over a development cycleUse of XCI for upstream patchset
verification/gating using another LFN project as example (ODL?)
> > > > Just a starting point of course, and although I am aware that we
basically need to submit ideas today, I’d assume putting together a
rough proposal should still be possible. Any volunteers to drive one
of the above topics or any other ideas?
> > > Should there be any other OPNFV-related proposals underway, I’d be
grateful if those could be shared in this thread for community
> Let’s make sure OPNFV gets the visibility it deserves!
> Regards, Tim
> > > From: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org [mailto:opnfv-tech-d
> On Behalf Of Brandon Wick
> Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 08:19
> > To: opnfv-tech-dis. <opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org>
> Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] Seeking demo ideas for LFN booth at ONS
> OPNFV Tech Community:
> > > We wanted to reach out and let you know that there will be space for
a few demos in the LF Networking (LFN) Booth at ONS. We've received a
couple good ideas already and are looking for a few more to consider.
> > > >  Our goal is to show compelling uses of LFN networking project
technology to solve real world industry challenges. Demos that
show cross-project elements (e.g. between ODL, ONAP, OPNFV, FD,io),
that map to a specific industry use case, and that are endorsed
> > >  by a service provider are preferred. That said, we have some room
for demos that highlight the innovative work and value-add from
projects that don't necessarily meet these criteria. 
> > Please submit your demo ideas by January 26 by sending an email to bw
i...@linuxfoundation.org. LFN staff leadership will then review the
> >  options make the final determination which demos can be
accommodated. Idea submitters will be notified by February 2.
> > > > In your email describing your demo idea and requirements, please
indicate who the demo manager(s) will be. A demo manager is required
as part of each demo proposal and will be responsible for the
> · 
> Define the scope and storyline of the demo
> · 
> Respond promptly to requests for additional information
> · 
> Meet all requested deadlines
> · 
> Setup and test the demo pre-show
> · 
> > Staff the demo during the expo hours (along with some other
designated team members to help share the load)
> · 
> Be willing to participate in media activities, e.g. video
> · 
> Take down the demo post event
> > > ONS sponsors are of course welcome to host demos in their booths on
the show floor. Check with your sponsorship managers to explore these
> > Please let me know if you have any questions and we look forward to
hearing your ideas.
> Best, 
> Brandon Wick
> Senior Integrated Marketing Manager, The Linux Foundation
> Mobile: +1.917.282.0960  Skype: wick.brandon
> Email / Google Talk: 
> bw...@linuxfoundation.org
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