I just created a small prototype for a bndrun integration with pax exam.
It is limited to the case of standalone bndrun with a bndPomRepository based index.


This is how it looks in a exam test:

The approach I use is to parse the bndrun file for -runbundles and -systempackages. The bundle URLs are then looked up in the cached repository xml and put into bundle provisioning options. The systempackages are put into systemPackage options.

This already allows me to start and test my examples project.

Some problems:
- Requires the maven bndrun export to run before the test to resolve the bundles as well as cache the pom based repo
- Does not work with placeholders right no
- Does not work with bndtools workspaces (not revelant to me as I use maven)

Some possible enhancements:
- Add framework properties

I would be happy about feedback on my prototype. As soon as we have an agreed on concept I can start to create an actual pax exam module.


On 14.07.2017 17:51, Toni Menzel wrote:
Hey guys,

quick heads-up. I just started an initiative to make Pax Exam and Bndtools work properly together [1]. This is not because I fell in love with Eclipse (no..) but Bndtools folks think their Integration Test support is good enough. Which is not true. They won't integrate, so lets see what we can do.

If there is anyone on this list using Bndtools currently but wants to help out making Pax Exam a good Bndtools-citizen, let me know.

Happy Weekend,

[1] https://ops4j1.jira.com/browse/PAXEXAM-842


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