As you know, draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs is working to describe the TACACS+
protocol as it is known to be implemented today.  This draft will become
an informational document and help inform subsequent works.

As this document progresses towards ratification, the opsawg chairs are
soliciting people that have implemented TACACS+ clients and/or servers
to read the draft and comment as to whether or not their implementation
is known to be compliant _or_ if it is known _not_ to be compliant.

If the latter, and your implementation is known not to be compliant,
what does your implementation do differently?

If the former, an explicit acknowledgement that your implementation is
compliant (and the name/vendor of said implementation) will be helpful
as this document moves to the IESG.

If you know of T+ implementors that may not be on the opsawg@ list,
please forward this to them, and ask them to comment on list.

Thank you.

Joe (on behalf of the opsawg co-chairs)

OPSAWG mailing list

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