Dear OpsAWG,

Here is a link to the slidedeck from IETF104 to refresh your memory -
-- basically the entire document is summarized in 2 slides (slide 9,
If you'd prefer video --

The main design criteria for this was to be as simple as possible, to
make it trivial to implement and use. This is specifically designed to
just augment existing auto-install functionality; there are much more
ambitious and fully featured solutions (such as ANIMA and RFC 8572)
available for those who can / want to use them.

I'd really appreciate your review and comment; it's short (if you
ignore the ASCII art diagrams and example appendix and similar it is 7
or 8 pages, and much of that is background).

On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 2:39 AM Tianran Zhou <> wrote:
> Hi WG,
> This document was presented in Prague, and got good feedback. The authors 
> have addressed all the comments.
> The chairs think this informational draft is easy to be implemented, and got 
> good support.
> This email starts a two weeks poll for adoption.
> If you support adopting this document please say so, and please give an 
> indication of why you think it is important. Also please say if you will be 
> willing to review and help the draft.
> If you do not support adopting this document as a starting point for work on 
> this topic, please say why.
> This poll will run until 2nd July.
> Regards,
> Tianran & Joe
> _______________________________________________
> OPSAWG mailing list

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad
idea in the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair
of pants.

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