Thank you Loa for your review, context, and comments!

Please see inline.

On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 12:53 AM <> wrote:

> OPSAWG participants, Carlos, Adrian and Greg.
> As one of the co-authors RFC 6291 I agree that it makes sense to update
> RFC 6291 in this way.
> In part, this draft is very close to what Greg and I tried to say in a
> mail that we sent to some wg's. We saw a DETNET/RAW document that used the
> acronyms iOAM and oOAM, and we found that this was too easy to confuse
> with e.g. the widely used IOAM.
> We tried to recommend that we should use easily distinguishable acronyms,
> I find that Adrian and Carlos do a much better job on this.
> Some notes:
> RFC 6291 is a BCP, which is the target status of this draft. Are there any
> problems updating a BCP?
The target is BCP as well, and a BCP can point to 2 RFCs.

> In the introduction, I find:
>    Additionally, this document recommends avoiding the creation and use of
> extended acronyms for the qualifiers of "OAM".  For example, the first
> "O" in "OOAM" could mean out-of-band, overlay, or something else.
> If I understand correctly this leaves us with IOAM as an "extended
> abbreviation", right? I hope you are planning to change that
> abbreviation.. I hope you are not planning to change that.
> The RFC Editor talks about for example "IOAM" as abbreviations if there
> are no strong reasons we should follow suit, i.e. avoid acronyms.

This is a good point, and IOAM is the only "OAM acronym" included in

I think while keeping the reco, we can acknowledge this pre-existing use.
I added some text to this effect, let's see if this works.

> Section 2 in the document discusses "in-band" and "out-of-band", there are
> several examples and I agree with the recommendation:
>    The guidance in this document is to avoid the terms "*-band" and
>    instead find finer-granularity descriptive terms.
> However, there a simple search among IETF drafts shows that several
> documents have "in-band" in the file name and also use "out-of-band" in
> the text. There might be a substantial review required to enforce the
> recommendation. Should we ask that the directorates put an instruction for
> the directorate reviewers to try to capture this?

Another useful comment -- we feel that laying out and 'enforcing'
recommendations going forward is the most effective approach, and indeed
there are active I-Ds using "in-band" in the filename.

At this point, as this document is also an I-D and not approved,
highlighting this issue and suggesting a discussion on the relevant I-Ds as
part of OpsDir review would be indeed an approach.



> The rest of the document seems fine to me.
> /Loa
> > Hi Adrian,
> > thank you for your kind consideration of my notes. Please find my
> follow-up
> > notes below tagged by GIM>>.
> > Regards,
> > Greg
> > On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 11:25 AM Adrian Farrel <>
> wrote:
> >> Hi Greg,
> >> Thanks for your thoughtful inspection of our draft.
> >> Carlos and I wanted to be sure that all of the discussions of this
> draft
> >> were indexed on one list, and we wanted to avoid multiple copies going
> to
> >> people who are subscribed to multiple lists. So we asked that
> follow-ups
> >> went only to OPSAWG. I have moved IPPM, MPLS, SPRING, and DetNet to BCC
> on
> >> this email.
> > GIM>> Thank you.
> >> It was certainly not our intent to disparage any work that was being
> done
> >> in any other working group, and I understand the effort that has gone
> into
> >> the DetNet OAM Framework to ensure that the terminology is clear and
> unencumbered in the DetNet context.
> >> Our concern was, however, that different contexts are applying
> different
> >> definitions of the terms “in-band” and “out-of-band”. Those
> definitions are
> >> (often) clear and precise, but they are not consistent across contexts.
> Thus, a water-tight definition in the DetNet context is not universally
> applicable, and a reader coming to DetNet from another context may
> bring
> >> with them their own understanding of the terms.
> > GIM>> Although the wording in the DetNet OAM Framework is indeed
> specific
> > for DetNet environment, for example, the reference to DetNet service
> sub-layer and PREOF, the authors and the WG strived to make the
> > definitions
> > generic. I believe that we achieved a reasonable level of generality
> because the interpretation of "in-band/out-of-band" terminology in RAW
> > was based on our work in DetNet. I believe that it could be a reasonable
> way of building common understanding through a discussion of existing
> terms
> > instead of fork-lifting and trying to invent something different that
> has
> > not been used by any WG.
> >> Our intent, therefore, is to select a finer-grained set of terms that
> have
> >> universal applicability and that can be selected within a context
> without
> >> loss of generality.
> > GIM>> I agree with that wholeheartedly.
> >> This is a tricky little subject and I know that Carlos and I expected
> it
> >> to generate more than a little discussion. If we end up with
> >> “everything is
> >> OK and nothing needs to change” that will be OK with us. If we discover
> >> that some work is using terms too generally, while others already have
> perfect definitions, that will lead to something similar to this
> document
> >> to bring the good into the light.
> >> Further comments in line…
> >> *From:* Greg Mirsky <>
> >> *Sent:* 12 January 2024 00:09
> >> *To:* Carlos Pignataro <>; Adrian Farrel <
> >>>
> >> *Cc:* Ops Area WG <>; IETF IPPM WG <>;
> mpls <
> >>>; spring <>; DetNet WG <>
> *Subject:* Re: [OPSAWG] New I-D -> Guidelines for Charactering "OAM"
> >>    - Hi Carlos and Adrian,
> >> thank you for starting this work. I believe that having a common
> dictionary helps in having more productive discussions. I took the
> liberty
> >> of inviting all the WGs which you invited to review the document and
> added
> >> DetNet WG. Please feel free to trim the distribution list.
> >> I've read the document and have several general questions to start our
> discussion:
> >>    - It seems that the motivation of this document is the assumption
> >> that
> >>    "in-band OAM" and "out-of-band OAM" are not representative or cannot
> >> be
> >>    understood or correctly attributed, interpreted by the IETF
> >> community. Is
> >>    that correct?
> >> I think the wording here would be “cannot be reliably understood
> consistently”. That is, without looking at a context-specific
> definition
> >> (such as that which you supply in the DetNet OAM Framework), the use of
> the
> >> terms may be misinterpreted.
> >> This is an assertion, but one (we think) is founded on observation of
> recent conversations on mailing lists, and also of witnessing many
> years
> >> of
> >> people talking passed each other.
> >>    - As we discuss and try to establish (change) the IETF dictionary,
> it
> >>    is important to analyze the terminology used by other SDOs. I
> believe
> >> that
> >>    it is beneficial to maintain consistent terminology which will
> >> minimize
> >>    misunderstandings among experts with different experiences of
> working
> >> at
> >>    different centers of technological expertise.
> >> This is a good point. It is certainly true that if other SDOs working
> with
> >> packet networks have established terminology that we can agree with and
> which is not, itself, subject to context-specific definitions, then
> there
> >> is no reason to choose other terms. Do you have any suggested sources?
> > IEEE 802.1Q 2014 uses in-band/out-of-band
> >> It is notable that the ITU-T has long worked with non-packet transport
> networks and has used the terms in-band and out-of-band. But even there
> we
> >> see some fragmentation with terms such as “in-fibre, but
> >> out-of-band”
> >> becoming necessary.
> >>    - I that DetNet OAM Framework
> >>    <>
> provides sufficiently clear interpretation of terms that can be
> >> generalized
> >>    for non-DetNet networks:
> >>    *  In-band OAM is an active OAM that is in-band within the monitored
> >>       DetNet OAM domain when it traverses the same set of links and
> interfaces receiving the same QoS and Packet Replication,
> Elimination, and Ordering Functions (PREOF) treatment as the
> monitored DetNet flow.
> >> This, of course, does not distinguish between “in-packet” (such as
> IOAM),
> >> and having its own packet (such as ping).
> >> GIM>> The definition is for active OAM. Hybrid OAM, which, as I
> understand
> > it, is referred to in the document as "in-packet", is inherently
> "in-band"
> > with the monitored data flow. Looking back, perhaps we could have noted
> that in DetNet OAM Framework. Furthermore, I note that what is referred
> to
> > as "in-packet" is identified as "on-path telemetry". What do you think
> about that term?
> >>    *  Out-of-band OAM is an active OAM whose path through the DetNet
> >>       domain is not topologically identical to the path of the
> monitored
> >>       DetNet flow, or its test packets receive different QoS and/or
> PREOF treatment, or both.
> >> As can be seen, the interpretation of "in-band" accepted by the DetNet
> WG
> >> includes not only topological equivalence between the monitored data
> flow
> >> and path traversed by active OAM but also QoS equivalence between them.
> I
> >> believe that is essential in differentiating in-band OAM from
> >> out-of-band
> >> OAM.
> >> Right. But is there terminology to talk about a packet that does follow
> the topology, but does not receive the same QoS treatment?
> >> GIM>> Is there a case of useful information that an operator obtains in
> > that scenario, i.e., when a test packet is topologically with the
> monitored
> > flow but is marked by a different CoS and, as a result, receives a
> different QoS treatment? In other words, can topology and CoS marking be
> different between the monitored data flow and specially constructed test
> packets that are aimed to monitor that data flow? Personally, I am not
> aware of any useful information (except for direct loss measurement)
> that
> > can be obtained using that setup and I conclude that active OAM must
> repeat
> > topology of the data paths and use the same CoS marking.
> >> It is perhaps a little strong to say this, but what you have done is
> define two classes of OAM (both good things and meaningful in the
> DetNet
> >> context) and then assigned existing names to those classes. What we are
> suggesting is that you have some finer granularity categorisation of
> >> available, and that for the purposes of your DetNet work, you are
> collecting those granularities into two different sets.
> >> GIM>> As I noted above, I believe that topology and CoS are both
> > requirements for an active OAM method and separating them "throws baby
> out
> > of water".
> >>    - I find the use of "path congruence" in inherently meshed
> >>    packet-switched networks confusing if not misleading. (Note that RFC
> 6669 <> explains congruence by
> using in-band term.) Is there evidence of the term being used
> besides
> >> a
> >>    single case in RFC 6669?
> >> Well, I would say that 6669 is an example of how “in-band” has been
> used,
> >> and I’d point out that it does not match your DetNet OAM Framework
> definition (as there is no mention of identical treatment). Note that
> the
> >> text from RFC 6669 is replicated into RFC 7276 (same authors, same
> subject).
> >> You don’t say what you find misleading or confusing. Is it that, in a
> meshed packet network, each individual packet might be forwarded
> differently so that congruence cannot be guaranteed? That could be
> true,
> >> but we hope for greater stability than that, I think.
> >> If “path congruence” was a new term (with only one previous use) that
> >> might make it a really neat term to use (because it would lack all
> previous
> >> meanings). However, it is not. It has been used (to mean the same set
> of
> >> links, ports, and nodes) in our more path-oriented work such as RFC
> 5828,
> >> RFC 6373, right up to RFC 9059.
> >> Perhaps “congruent” is overloaded given that we are not talking about
> >> “topological congruence”, a term that is also quite widely used
> (e.g., RFC
> >> 2796, RFC 4258, RFC 5059, RFC 6549, RFC 8795)
> > GIM>> My concern with using "congruence" is most likely caused by how
> the
> > term is used in geometry.And saying that "congruent paths" are paths
> that
> > cross the same set of nodes and links seems like too narrow compared to
> the
> > definition in geometry. And that raises my next question: Why not simply
> define the relationship between the data path and the path traversed by
> a
> > test packet without introducing, what seems, an unnecessary term?
> >>    - Similarly, "in-packet" vs. "dedicated packet". I believe that RFC
> 7799 <> has that addressed by
> using "active", "passive", and "hybrid" terminology. Although these
> >> terms
> >>    applied to measurement methods, i.e., performance monitoring
> >> component of
> >>    OAM, but, in my opinion, can be extended to fault management OAM.
> >> Well, we agree that RFC 7799 can be used to generate the terms "active
> OAM", "passive OAM", and "hybrid OAM". Although we think, for the
> benefit
> >> of clarity, the reader should not be left to examine RFC 7799 and
> project
> >> meaning from performance monitoring to OAM in general: they should be
> presented with a clear set of definitions (per our section 3).
> >> It is further our belief that the definitions of active and passive OAM
> do
> >> not match with “in-packet” and “dedicated-packet”. Indeed,
> possibly, the
> >> closest is that “active OAM” is “dedicated-packet”, and
> “hybrid OAM” is
> >> “in-packet” leaving “passive OAM” to be just observation.
> > GIM>> I consider OAM to define a toolbox that contains tools based on
> active, passive, and hybrid methods in support of OAM functions
> > (connectivity check, continuity verification, automatic protection
> switchover, and performance monitoring among others). Thus, I prefer to
> use
> > the terminology of RFC 7799 that classifies measurement methods, not
> OAMs.
> >>    - It seems like the definition of Compound/Combined misses the point
> that RFC 7799 already defines a hybrid measurement method (not OAM
> >> but
> >>    measurement methods) as a method in which elements of active and
> passive measurement methods are used. Hence, hybrid is already a
> combination of active and passive measurement methodologies and the
> introduction of compound or combined terms is unnecessary, a
> >> duplication of
> >>    the existing and accepted terminology (at least in IPPM WG). And
> "Active-Hybrid-Passive OAM" is the result of that omission because,
> according to the definition in RFC 7799, Active-Passive is Hybrid.
> >> Thus,
> >>    Active-Hybrid-Passive is nothing else but Hybrid-Hybrid. Does that
> >> make
> >>    sense?
> >> I should certainly have preferred it had RFC 7799 not used the term
> “hybrid” to actually refer to a third category that is not a hybrid
> of the
> >> first two categories. For the definitions of active OAM and passive
> OAM,
> >> I
> >> don’t think the combination matches the definition of hybrid OAM. So,
> perhaps, let’s stop referring to RFC 7799’s definitions of
> not-actually-OAM-packets, and nail down our own definitions. That will
> tell
> >> us whether we need two, three, four, or more terms.
> > GIM>> I would note that the terminology introduced in RFC 7799 has been
> accepted and broadly used not only in the documents produced by IPPM WG
> but
> > also many groups in the Routing area.
> >>    - I cannot agree that RFC 7799 "adds to the confusion" by pointing
> >> that
> >>    Passive performance metrics are assessed independently of the
> packets
> >>    or traffic flows, and solely through observation.  Some refer to
> such
> >>    assessments as "out of band".
> >> Indeed, passive measurement methods are not required to use packets
> that
> >> are in-band with the monitored data flow. Usually, the management plane
> protocol is used to collect, to perform the observation function. In
> some
> >> cases, in-band active OAM packets may be used, e.g., direct loss
> measurement in ETH-OAM.
> >> Yes, but where is this “in-band with the monitored data flow”
> defined for
> >> a packet network? And you say “are not required to” rather than
> >> That means that the passive methods might send their packets with the
> monitored data flow or might not.
> >> We live in a world where there is not necessarily a distinction between
> the MCN and DCN.
> >> GIM>> Although there might be no topological distinction between MCN
> and
> > DCN, it is more likely that they use different CoS markings. If that is
> the
> > case, from the point of the definitions in DetNet OAM Framework, MCN is
> out-of-band relative to DCN.
> >> I find that throw-away sentence in RFC 7799 both helpful and unhelpful.
> It
> >> is helpful to know that some people call this “out of band”. It is
> unhelpful to refer to an assessment method as “out of band” as
> there
> >> is no
> >> message or packet involved to be in or out of band.
> >> FWIW, I believe that RFC 7799 and DetNet OAM Requirements already
> provide
> >> a clear terminology for OAM in general and its elements, i.e., Fault
> Management and Performance Monitoring.
> >> OK. I suspect that we are going to have to come up with a set of OAM
> techniques and ask you to categorise them according to your terminology
> to
> >> see whether all bases are covered.
> >> But I am also going to have to review your text from the DetNet OAM
> Framework because it contains phrases that are not clear (to me)…
> >>       In-band OAM is an active OAM that is in-band within the monitored
> DetNet OAM domain when it traverses the same set of links and
> interfaces receiving the same QoS and Packet Replication,
> Elimination, and Ordering Functions (PREOF) treatment as the
> monitored DetNet flow.
> >> There is something broken here. Maybe too many words. Perhaps you mean…
> >>       In-band OAM is an active OAM that traverses the same set of links
> >> and
> >>       interfaces receiving the same QoS and Packet Replication,
> Elimination, and Ordering Functions (PREOF) treatment as the
> monitored DetNet flow within the monitored DetNet OAM domain
> >> …and…
> >>       Out-of-band OAM is an active OAM whose path through the DetNet
> domain is not topologically identical to the path of the
> monitored
> >>       DetNet flow, or its test packets receive different QoS and/or
> PREOF treatment, or both.
> > GIM>> Many thanks for your thoughtful suggestion. I'll make sure that we
> apply this change in the course of AUTH48.
> >> As noted before, this leaves a few gaps.
> >>    - Active OAM that follows the same path, but does not receive the
> >> same
> >>    QoS treatment
> >> GIM>> That would be out-of-band
> >>    -
> >>    - There is no distinction between instrumentation of data packets
> and
> >>    dedicated instrumentation packets
> >> GIM>> That is the distinction between hybrid and active OAM methods.
> >>    -
> >> Cheers,
> >> Adrian
> >> On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 12:39 PM Carlos Pignataro <>
> wrote:
> >> Hi, Ops Area WG,
> >> Every now and again, there are discussions on how to best characterize
> or
> >> qualify a particular kind of "OAM", as well as misunderstandings due to
> having different definitions and contexts for a given term. A case in
> point
> >> is "in-band" or "out-of-band" OAM, as recently surfaced at
> >>
> To alleviate this issue, Adrian and I wrote a short I-D to provide
> forward-looking guidance on "foobar OAM".
> >> We would appreciate feedback and input on this position, which aims at
> updating the guidelines for the "OAM" acronym, with unambiguous
> guidelines
> >> for their modifiers.
> >> Guidelines for Charactering "OAM":
> >>
> Look forward to input and comments to make this more clear and
> >> effective!
> >> Adrian & Carlos.
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