On 2/12/07, Jonathan D. Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 02:47:54PM +0100, giorgio m wrote:
:First of all, thanks for your polite and fast answer.
:To simplify the problem, I say that I would like to do this:
:perl_script-> tor -> standard_http_proxy -> web_site
:I want the web site to see the ip of the standard_http_proxy, not the tor
:Do you think that it is possible to do this?

I haven't been following the thread so appologies if I miss the mark...

This seems possible *if* the standard_http_proxy accepts connections
from all tor exit nodes.

Why a proxy shouldn't accept connections coming from tor? To prevent abuses?
Can you tell me how to do this proxychaining?

Now why you would want to do this is another question, perhaps the
answer is in the archives.

I just read the faq again, where I found that perhaps you are worried
that I will use tor to connect to open relays on port 25 and then
spam, is it right? I can assure you that this is not the case (I would
not be using tor in this case, I think that there are much easier
tools), one of the reasons is for example that I don't want the
websites to know that I'm using tor.

Thanks in advance.

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