"giorgio m" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First of all, thanks for your polite and fast answer.

You're welcome.

> To simplify the problem, I say that I would like to do this:
> perl_script-> tor -> standard_http_proxy -> web_site
> I want the web site to see the ip of the standard_http_proxy, not the
> tor ip. Do you think that it is possible to do this?

Probably the easiest way to do this is to add Privoxy to the
proxy chain, have the Perl script use Privoxy as HTTP proxy
and let Privoxy do the rest.

I currently use something similar for testing purposes,
the Privoxy config line looks like this:

forward-socks4a         .freebsd.org/        Tor-Jail:9050           

Requests that match ".freebsd.org/" are forwarded
through the HTTP proxy "tor.fabiankeil.de:8118"
(another Privoxy) and the connection to that proxy
is made through the socks4a server "Tor-Jail:9050" (Tor).

As mentioned earlier, from a anonymity point
of view this isn't the smartest setup. It increases
the chances that the traffic is sniffed or altered
and the target server always sees the same IP address.

You could also try to find a Perl module that can
reach HTTP proxies through socks4a servers. If you
find one (and aren't already using Privoxy anyway)
this should be even easier to set up, provided you
also find documentation for it.

A third way would be to configure your Perl script
to use a HTTP proxy and then intercept and redirect
these requests through Tor.

I recommend you use dns-proxy-tor, PF and a recent Tor
alpha version to set up the interception proxy, but the
programs John mentioned should work too.


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