Right on Rachel!! You go get'em girl.
 To add to the mix..
Some of the participants on this list are extremely knowledgeable and published. They 
are willing and able to offer assistance when the opportunity arises. All people are 
given the chance to voice their opinion and should do so with respect for all members 
on the list. If there is any personal gripe between members, please take it off line 
and get it straightened out. I personally would not like to see anyone offended and 
have them leave the list. The only losers then are the other members of the list.
 I only use the windoz products because it is the corporate os of choice right now. I 
am command line trained and prefer command line over pixels and flashy screens. I 
chose windoz for home use because it is easier for my wife to operate.
Ron Rogers
ROR mª¿ªm

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/27/01 02:46PM >>>

Just curiousity here, are you an Oracle DBA (certified or otherwise)?

As for using "a text based mua on a sun machine, which doesnt
attempt to correct mistakes, thus not creating its own", well, you are right 
about that, but then it doesn't seem as if you need any help in introducing 
mistakes into your documents, as you've made plenty of spelling and 
puncuation errors on your own. Or were those deliberate?

Mark stated that he wasn't a DBA, however, he has certainly contributed more 
to this list in answering database questions than you have. And he's managed 
to do so without being insulting or rude.

And Ross has certainly met your hostility with grace and humor. If you had 
spent any time at all on this list, you would know that he IS proficient in 
Unix, and has done more digging into the OS and how things work than most 
Unix sysadmins I know. And yes,I actually know some. Many.

You might want to do some research on the people you are insulting before 
you start, it's much less embarassing that way.

Oh, and before you start to insult me, you might want to know some 
background information. I do not work on NT systems, but rather on Unix 
boxes. I have been an Oracle DBA for 10 years. I am not a fan by any means 
of the varied certification programs available, except perhaps for Cisco's 
certification program since they actually make you build something and then 
fix it after they break it.


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Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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