"Now I'm confused John - Is it a 2nd or 3rd rate O/S? :)"

The name is Jon. While Douglas Adams may have thought it to be 2nd rate, I
believe it to be 3rd rate. Too much to handle?

||No, that's a pretty simple statement to get my head around I think! You
like to promote peoples views, whilst not actually believing them yourself
right? :)

"you can't have written that on a Windoze box - it would have corrected
it for you ! :)"

Are you a genius or something? thanks for pointing that out. Thats
correct, it was written w/ a text based mua on a sun machine, which doesnt
attempt to correct mistakes, thus not creating its own ;) I'm sure you'll
enjoy the new "Smarttag" features from Microsoft. Like having your
information force fed to you? Doesnt look like you have a problem
swallowing what microsoft has to say fatty :)

||Well - not quite a genius, and have never taken any mensa tests or
anything, but I like to think of myself as pretty smart every now and then.
That's usually why I can write a PARAGRAPH on my own, without the help of a
computer, and still not end with up a great long spiel of blurb.

"NOW - what about all those start-up companies that don't have oodles of
venture capital?"

Couldn't read about Linux on one of your MSDN sites? It may not be the
best, but it certianly provides an environment far better than windows...
that is if the startup needed it. If you remember, I dont think that Unix
boxen are for everyone and every situation... just the mission critical
ones (and I certianly wouldnt use Linux in a mission critical
environment, but if you plan on big things in the future, you can
atleast develope on a unix platform now :)

||Currently have a copy of LINUX sat on my desk waiting to be installed, as
well as Solaris 8, so many things to try, so little time to do it, and
personally I don't think I would waste any of that time on MSDN.

I think there are other things to consider here though - not EVERY start-up
company, is working in the IT industry, though they may need databases to
help them do their jobs. Now, as I mentioned before, if we are talking about
a small start-up, with no venture capital, and huge wads of cash to throw
around, and they ONLY have limited experience with computers, then windows
is their ideal solution. Or should they still go out and get LINUX when they
have no experience with a UNIX type platform - and then put most of their
time in to learning that - when they could be working on growing their

All I was trying to get at is that Windows DOES have its uses out there, I
too agree with you that UNIX is a far more stable and configurable platform

"LEAVE THE THING ALONE - and let it do it's job."

Ha ha. You go out and purchase some overpriced intel quad xeon machine to
run your windows nt server on... and you arent even allowed to touch it ;)
Way to go!

||If you can get it running sweet as a nut - why bother? You can touch the
database, and play with that to your hearts content - but why "fix"
something that isn't broken?

"You know it make me laugh how a whole lot of people out there moan about
point and click technology - YET the business that I am in - third party
GUI tools for databases - is BOOMING! So what is it? DBA's don't like a
point & click O/S - but one to help them with their job, is OK..."

No doubt in my mind that the vast majority of DBA's out there are also
block headed 3rd rate "I got my oracle certification" idiots also, which I
have no doubt that you are one. As for your comment "it make me laugh" all
I can say to that is "tarzan know how use point and click. Us go now
Jane." My job may have been a tad bit more difficult to move into, but I
know 20x what the average point and click "pioneer" does. Some of us are
eager beavers to gain knowledge and do our jobs to the best of our
ability, and some of us are using certificates/gui's to cover up for our
lack of knowledge and general inability to learn :)

||That's a bold statement to make on this list - and I don't think you'll
make many friends by posting it! As for me being a block headed 3rd rate
DBA? Well, for one, I am a SALES PERSON believe it or not, as I mentioned we
deal with tools - I sell them to DBAs.. Bearing that in mind - I am trained
in Oracle & SQLServer administration (no certification), and also have a
copy of DB2 to install and play with - personally I think I am OVER
QUALIFIED for my job - and you won't find many sales people around like me.

Like you I love to learn - and I do every day I live.. I then *try* to share
this knowledge as much as I can.. This is all *my* opinion, and I'm sticking
to I'm afraid. You sound a bit - ummm - angry, no maybe not angry, but
certainly a very "rude, and insulting man" (Alex? :). I didn't mean to
offend - just give another view (which I believe I'm entitled to..).



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