Definitely #6.  I've learned more from conferences that anywhere else. 
 If nothing else you get to drink with the people from the list :), i'
ll be at IOUG.


Jesse, Rich wrote:

>OK, from the responses, here's The Plan:
>1)     Get beer.  I prefer Guinness or Goose Island.  Done.
>2)     Get Oracle Perf Tuning 101.  Done.
>3)     Get more beer.
>4)     Beat up on some test DBs, and work on real live DBs to engrain that
>class material into the surviving brain cells (see Step 1).  Sorta done with
>this one, but I need more.  The 22 DBs here at work and 1 at home ought to
>5)     Get more beer.
>6)     Go to Oracle conferences.  I need to go!!!!
>7)     Get more beer.
>8)     Hit the web, preferrably with beer in non-mouse hand.  (Wisconsin
>twin-can beer hat optional)
>9)     Go to Internals class and actually understand and learn from it.
>10)    Get lots more beer.
>11)    Actually do some work here.
>Sounds good folks.  I think I'm on the right track (sans beer at work, of
>course), with my Oracle course work completed over a year ago, and some DBA
>"experiences" under my belt.  Time to plunk away at more DBs!
>Thanks!   :)
>Rich Jesse                        System/Database Administrator
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Quad/Tech International, Sussex, WI USA
>President, Beer Ale Lager Lovers Society
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 8:58 AM
>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>The best Oracle training I've ever had by far is "playing around" with a
>small test DB on a laptop or PC.  Stress it, hurt it, recover it, tune it,
>etc., etc.  When done in conjunction with one of the fine books mentioned by
>others on this list - even better.
>I've only had one official Oracle training course - in the spring of 1989.
>It was 4-1/2 days of RDBMS v5, SQL*Forms and RPT/RPF.  Since then I've
>attended some of the "mini" courses at IOUG, ODTUG, Open World, etc. - nice
>little "hits" of the latest technologies.  I "studied" for my Oracle8 OCP
>exams by working through Jason Couchman's book and beating up an 8.0.5 DB on
>my PC - learned a hell of a lot.
>My on-going study plan for Oracle skills boils down to "Beating, Browsing
>and Books".
> - Beat up a test database
> - Browse fine Web sites like Steve Adams' IXORA (and beat up the DB)
> - Buy and read good books (and beat up the DB)
>I think I've learned about as much as if I'd sat in a bunch of classes - and
>saved a pile of money.   ;-)
>Jack C. Applewhite
>Database Administrator/Developer
>OCP Oracle8 DBA
>iNetProfit, Inc.
>Austin, Texas
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 07 February 2002 21:07
>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>So, there I am.  I've taken the main Oracle courses -- Intro to SQL, DBA
>(Oracle 7!), Backup & Recovery, Network Admin, and Perf Tuning.  Now where
>do I go for more Oracle training?
>This is sparked by a recent perceived lag in one of our new databases.
>We've tracked it down to a possible hot block or two, but I never used X$BH
>or V$LATCH_CHILDREN in any of my Oracle classes.  And I *know* I'm far from
>being ready for an Internals class.  So how do I get from here to there?
> doesn't seem to have a whole lot other than Internals.
>Or is that where I'm at now?
>Confused and no beer.
>Rich Jesse                        System/Database Administrator
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Quad/Tech International, Sussex, WI USA

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