Hi Tim,

Nice to see you here!!!!


At 01:03 PM 4/3/2002 -0800, you wrote:
It's fascinating when somebody proclaims "50% savings in TCO over a 5 year period" when it is patently obvious that A) such a configuration has not existed over the past five years and B) it will never exist over any contiguous five year period.  The lifecycle of systems doesn't happen that way.
Back in the 1980s when the US space shuttle "Challenger" explosion was being investigated by a panel of eminent politicians, lawyers, and scientists, Nobel-laureate physicist Richard Feynmann singled out NASA testimony stating that the "Challenger" explosion could only happen in 1 out of 100,000 launches.
Noting that US space shuttles had been launched about 50-60 times up to that point, he asked how anyone could possibly project odds of "1 out of 100,000", never mind try to pass it off as "fact".
When I read about TCO on a configuration going forward 5 years, I wonder if those people are on-call and wearing pagers, or whether they know anybody who is...
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: SQL Server vs. Oracle 9i

This is interesting:
Ken Janusz, CPIM

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