At 01:53 AM 1/31/2003 -0800, Ferenc Mantfeld wrote:

You're ass-u-ming that what worked for SAP will work for Siebel. Not a good
assumption. Been there, done it, it does not work ! What you're advocating,
I did similar measures when supporting Ora-Apps when we went from 9.6 to
10.5 (Oracle 7.1.6 RBO to 7.3.2 CBO), what a nightmare that was ! But
understand that Siebel was written specifically to take advantage of
Oracle's RBO.

Still, some of the queries in Siebel SEEM to run better using CBO.  Is there
any way to mix and match approaches?  To use RBO by default, but perhaps
CBO might make sense for certain queries, and perhaps some      AD-HOC?

We've got consultants who've told me that Siebel 'abuses' Oracle software in
it's excessive use of outer joins, that Siebel defiles the notions of proper relational
design with 200+ column tables, and otherwise does not "play nice" with the
normal rules of relational database management as implemented in Oracle 9i. 

I've also heard that Siebel runs better with DB2 and SQLServer, which may be options for us.

Any comments on these points?

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