Title: 8i databases under 9i listener?

RS6000 running AIX 4.3.3.     We are experiencing the following issues with
our databases under a listener.

1) PL/SQL procedures utilizing UTL_FILE fail with INVALID_PATH errors when
   attempting to open a file.

2) Database links from WE8ISO8859P1 databases to UTF8 databases fail
   with ORA-3113.   Database links work fine as long as the character set
   is the same on both databases.

We've checked, and double-check, all environment variables, O/S permissions,
and so forth.   Oracle Support has been basically useless.  Eventually,
they stated that these problems are unique to the AIX platform, and not something
that they've seen on HP or Solaris, and recommended running both the 8i and
9i listeners, in other words, they had no clue.

The sequence of events went like this:

Feb 7th   -- was installed on our test/development box, on which there
             are eight instances running.

Feb 14th  -- We startup the 9i listener and shutdown the 8i listener. 

Feb 21st  -- First upgrade of an database to   The upgrade was

The funny thing is that none of the databases had any problems with the
9i listener from Feb 14th to Feb 21st, either with UTL_FIL or with database links.  

But on Feb 21st, after the first database upgrade, the 9i listener was
bounced for the first time since it's inception, and then all the problems started.   

We are back to running both an 8i and 9i listener for the time being, but I have
a lurking suspicion that something is not right somewhere, and could come back
and bite us in the future.  

Jeffery D Thomas
Thomson Information Services
Thomson, Inc.


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