I played with this a bit.

First, I created some test  data with one column corrupted with a single random character
of 0-31 replacing a random char in that column 20% of the rows of the table.

Peter's function correctly found all of the rows in 7.5 seconds.

Stephane's function ran in 3.5 seconds, but didn't find any of
the rows.  I didn't attempt to correct the code.

Then I tried a function based on owa_pattern.regex.  My initial attempts
didn't return the correct rows, as the regex pattern needed some tuning.

I didn't attempt to fix it, as it was woefully slow, about 30 seconds.

Regex in the WHERE clause in 10g will be nice.


"Stephane Faroult" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 10/10/2003 07:09 AM
 Please respond to ORACLE-L

        To:        Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        RE: RE: RE: Find an unprintable character inside a column....

>Some people have requested this code, so I thought
>you might as well all
>have the chance to pick it to bits... Its a
>function called BAD_ASCII, and
>it hunts out for any ascii characters with an ascii
>value of less than 32 in
>a specified field. (Acknowledgments to my colleague
>Keith Holmes for help
>with this code.)
>Use it as follows:
>Where a field called DATA in a table TABLE_1 may
>contain an ascci character
>with a value less than 32 (ie a non-printing
>character), the following SQL
>will find the row in question:
>select rowid,DATA,dump(DATA) from TABLE_1
>where BAD_ASCII(DATA) > 0;
>You could use the PK of the table instead of rowid,
>of course. You will also
>note that I select the DATA field in both normal
>and ascii 'dump' mode, the
>better to locate where the corruption is located.
>Source as follows:
>Function BAD_ASCII
> (V_Text in char)
> return number
> V_Int  number;
> V_Count number;
>V_Int                  := 0;
>V_Count := 1;
>while V_Count<=length(rtrim(V_Text)) and V_Int=0
> loop
>  if ascii(substr(V_Text, V_Count, 1))<32 then
>   V_Int := V_Count;
>  end if;
> V_Count := V_Count + 1;
>end loop;
>return V_Int;
>  when others then
>    return -1;


  I think that you can make this code 25% faster when the data is clean (which hopefully is the general case) by using 'replace', more efficient than a PL/SQL loop, to check whether you have some rubbish (sort of). It will not tell you where the bad character is, however - which means that then you can loop to look for it.

Here is what I would suggest :

create or replace Function BAD_ASCII (V_Text in char)
return number
 V_Int number;
 V_Count number;
 if (replace(V_text, chr(0)||chr(1)||chr(2)||chr(3)||
                   = V_text)
   return 0;
   V_Int := 0;
   V_Count := 1;
   while V_Count<=length(rtrim(V_Text)) and V_Int=0
     if ascii(substr(V_Text, V_Count, 1))<32 then
       V_Int := V_Count;
     end if;
     V_Count := V_Count + 1;
   end loop;
   return V_Int;
end if;
 when others then
   return -1;


Stephane Faroult
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Author: Stephane Faroult

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