I've figured out after some searching that my Intel Centrino wireless chipset has a native Linux driver provided by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, this driver requires a kernel version of at least 2.6.13. The Oralux kernel is 2.6.12. Is there anyone who might be able to provide me some information on whether or not it is possible to upgrade the kernel? I can't find a complete set of kernel header files on the CD filesystem, and I'm not sure of how many of my changes to the system will be saved in my knoppix.img file. I am also just interested in the overall arcatecture of Oralux: how much of it can I tweak without breaking the system entirely?
PS: The information about the driver supported kernel version is from Intel, and I've not tried any sort of field testing yet to determine how necesary 2.6.13 actually is. Any input would be appreciated.

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