Guido, as a follow up to your last note and for those Aussies of on the list who may 
remember a cymbidium cross done in the 60's by Dos Pueblos Aust',  C. Joyce Duncan.  
This cross produced many classic Green cyms ( for the time ) that were awarded and 
acclaimed for years. The parent are :
Nicky 'Ku-ringai' x York Meredith.  My father and I purchased pieces of both plants 
from Dos Pueblos in order to continue producing these great greens. (The plants were 
genuine by name and flower.) We crossed these ( both ways ) and sold and flowered ( 
along with many others )many hundreds of the resultant seedlings. The only similarity 
between the ????? original Joyce Duncans and ours was that they were Green Cyms. All 
other features did not compare in any way.  Therefore, if a remake of a cross is to be 
done, it will be a remake of a cross that I have done myself. I know variations from 
the original will occur but not the extent above. The problem is that there are some 
remakes in Paphs that one desires because of what has been produced in the past and 
unfortunately, one must purchase them in the hope that it may be correct.

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