Hi Jim.

I obviously misinterpreted your comment: "there is no HD delivery
format right now for consumers". I thought you meant "there is no
format for delivering HD to consumers", which is clearly incorrect
since it already happens in this part of the world.

I agree that for amateurs to burn HDD format discs is still
prohibitively expensive, but that situation won't last long. Give it
2-3 more years and a consumer-level burner will become available,
though my bet is that its availability will initially be confined to
Asian countries as the big US media companies are bound to initiate
legislation that seeks to protect their vested interests in the North
American market.

I do apologise for misunderstanding you.

You are wrong when you say "What are the chances that more than a tiny
percentage of people on this list (or anywhere else) would own one?".
HDTV sets are selling like hot cakes here .... and so are the Toshiba
players. Far, far more than a tiny percentage of people own one, even
if Singapore comes under your "anywhere else".

You are also wrong when you describe me as an "early adopter". Unlike
so many people in Singapore (or Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand,
Indonesia, India, China and other "anywhere elses") I'm personally not
obsessed with getting the latest gadgets. I'm a neo-luddite when it
comes to new technology. Most of my photos are on transparency.... 5
months ago I was forced to stop developing & printing my own because I
can no longer buy chemicals or paper here. Most of my music is on C90
tape ... I've only recently thrown my record-player in the bin, and
that was only because I can no longer get drive-belts or needles for
it. My library is still paper-based. I think there are a lot of people
like me out there .... have you considered doing a high-quality
paper-print version of your DVD ? I could put you in touch with people
here who would quote very reasonable prices for print-runs in excess
of 1000 copies.


Peter O'Byrne

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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