On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Chris Lott <ch...@chrislott.org> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had a picture of David Lister that they
> would allow me to put up on my blog to go with a post of appreciation
> for him? If so, please let me know...

Nick Robinson has a really nice photo of himself with Florence Temko
and David Lister in this blog entry:


You could ask him for permission to use it.  (And I see the Lister
List, url below, now has a photo of him, too.)

For those who've never visited it, the BOS hosts an online collection
of David's essays, the "Lister List," here:


Well worth perusing, and I can't think of a finer way to remember him
than making use of the wonderful material he took such time
researching and documenting.

Oh, and the BOS website has a tribute page up where you can add your
own remembrances:


Nice work, Nick!

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Anthromom <anthro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After Sy posted about compiling David's essays etc., I realized that I have
> some very long and rather special emails from David stashed away somewhere.
> ...I bet there are a lot of us with these
> little personal treasures from Mr. Lister.  I would certainly be willing to
> share and will be hunting these down.

Material like this would, it seems to me, make for some excellent
additions to the above-linked Lister List!  If someone could volunteer
to gather them, I'm sure Nick would be able to incorporate them there,
too.  Anyone up for being gatherer?  Everyone go dig around and see if
they've any gems stashed in email, in the meantime...


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