On 8/5/13, KDianne Stephens <kdiannesteph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [long back and forth on "should there be a specialized mountain fold arrow?" 
> elided.
> ...
> Can we accomplish the desired outcome in a simpler way? It looks like we
> can.

I fear we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

Rather than being a slavish, pot-roast-end-trimming following of The
Way, I see the special mountain-fold arrowhead as a way to pack
information into a tight space.  Is it somewhat redundant?  Yup.  But
it can help clarify a complicated move, give the reader another visual
clue about what moves where...  and that seems of value to me, at very
little cost.  (The arrow has to have a head, so why not make it carry

But everyone has a different style, and as long as yours is
comprehensible (or learnable) then you'll get the information across.


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