 From: Anne LaVin <anne.la...@gmail.com>

I'll also second two of the names from Michael LaFosse's post to that
discussion:  Akira Yoshizawa and Makoto Yamaguchi.


Thank you, Anne, for pointing to the thread I was looking for. 
Just wanted to mention, last week I was at Kinokuniya bookstore in
Manhattan and found a book, which I readily purchased. Although
I am completely Japanese illiterate, I could recognize what it was and was
so happy because I always thought this deserves a reprint! It's a collection of
Akira Yoshizawa's diagrams I guess most of them from the magazine 
Shufu-no-tomo. This "lady" magazine
was one of the first magazines were Yoshizawa published his works and his 
contributions run
from c. 1955 to 1962 (that's the period I have). So the book covers early and 
mid career
Yoshizawa's, including the bear, the gorilla and many others. 

To see the cover, 

I have no idea what the printing company is (what a shame not being able to 
read Japanese!), so if any can enlighten me I'll be grateful.

I agree with you that we should fold more Yoshizawa!


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