Jose Tomás replied to my question about if the "Marching Soldiers" in
display in the toy museum of Nuremberg might be the oldest preserved folds.
Thank you Jose Tomás : )

JT: "Joan Sallas found some of the Senff's models in Dresden"

Do you know the free ebook "An Origami Army of the Past" by Jens-Helge
Dahmen? You can download it here:

In pages 56 and 57 you can find different historic variations of the model
and in what museum or classic book you can find them. Unfortunately the
ones in museums, Nuremberg and Dresden, don't mention any dates.

JT: "Also, Koshiro Hatori reported some Japanese models from the first
decade of the XIX Century, from the Moriwaki family and some modeles folded
by Kuzuhara Koto. May be them can tell us more about this."

Did you find that information here ?

Guys, do any of you know a way to contact Koshiro Hatori or the Moriwaki
family. I hope I'm not the only one really curious about those folds!

Karen Reeds also replied.

K: "The oldest preserved fold that I've seen is the traditional Seed Packet
in the Linnaeus Museum/Botanical Garden, Uppsala, Sweden.  It's very small and labeled by Carl
Linnaeus himself (1707 – 10 January 1778) -- so it's at least 238 years old
(...) I don't have a photo, but I  know some of the people at the museum
and could ask about getting one."

Please do Karen! I can't wait to see some pictures and read anything they
can tell us about that folded seed packet : )

K: "Norman Brosterman's collection might include some early 19th century
Froebel and/or Pestalozzi kindergarten origami folds. Unfortunately, the
wonderful images on his website don't give details about dates or
provenance. His book might give useful leads".

The website includes a contact form. I'll ask Mr. Brosterman if he knows
exactly how old does folds are.

Thank you guys for your very interesting answers. If anyone else has a
candidate, please share it here in the list ; )


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