On August 8 Ekaterina Lukasheva answered my message. She shared her opinion
regarding my question: if a traditional base + one fold could be considered
an original model? Thank you Ekaterina for your answer : )

Sorry for taking so long to answer back... you mentioned: "I don't really
understand why claiming it an original model is so important to you". For
me it's the difference between claiming authorship over a model and for it
to be unclaimable. Maybe the general consensus is that a traditional model
+ one fold is almost the same as the base, and thus, their both
unclaimable. Or maybe the general consensus is that one fold is enough to
transform a traditional model into an original model, allowing me to
declare it my work and kindly asking others to acknowledge it.

That might be what I most enjoy about origami, coming up with original
creations which I call my own. In a very loose sense I consider them my
babies. Know what I mean? That's why I keep a list of them all, but I don't
know what to do about this traditional base + one fold.

Other origamists may not share my way of thinking but I hope they can
respect it anyway : )

Thanks again for your answer. If anyone else wants to share their opinion,
I'd be really interested in reading it.

PS: What I made has a practical purpose. It isn't figurative.

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